The Beginning

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The Pride Lands, a lush green  abundant kingdom where every living thing mattered. From the smallest ant to the leaping antelope. In the middle of this paradise, the large formation of Pride Rock sat. In all its majesty. The home of lions, this formation was around for years generations of lions and lionesses have lived here in peace and love.

Right now this place was being  occupied by a red maned lion. His name was Simba, he had amber eyes, a golden fur color and he was the current King of the Pride Lands. He was looking down at his kingdom, admiring the lovely scenery. The savannah with the herds grazing and the birds chirping as they welcomed the morning.

"Can't you give them a little privacy Simba?" said a soft female. Simba turned around and caught sight of his Queen Nala.
"It's not that dear," Simba said with a sigh. "It's just that I don't fully trust him with our daughter."

Simba was referring to Kovu, the lion with a black mane, brown fur, emerald green eyes, with a scar across his left eye and a short bang over his forehead. He was sitting in the grass with a beautiful young lioness with gorgeous amber eyes, golden fur and she had a small mark across her neck. The lioness's name was Kiara. She was lying down on the grass next to Kovu, they were relaxing in the morning sun and talking to each other.

"Oh Simba, you know they dislike it when you spy on them, especially when they're doing their thing as friends," Nala scolded her mate. She was a beautiful lioness with purple eyes, her fur was a fur mixture of gold and yellow and she was a kindhearted, lioness who loved her family and pride. A fierce, loyal and confident Queen.

She was Kiara's mother and she understood that her daughter was in love with Kovu. Kovu was the son of Diana and Burnt Eboney, two lions who lived in the Pride Lands. Diana had golden fur and red eyes, her husband had  had brown fur, emerald green eyes and an ebony mane color, that was where he got his name. He and Diana had three children. Marisa, Kovu and Vitani.

Marisa being the oldest had red eyes, and yellow fur. Vitani being the youngest had violent eyes, tanned fur and a bang of fur covered her right eye.
"Spying on my brother again Simba?" asked a voice. Simba turned around and saw Marisa standing there, watching him intently.

"No Marisa I was just admiring the scenes that's all."
"Uh-huh," said Marisa skepticism painted on her pretty features. "Simba wouldn't recommend it if you stand there, if Kovu sees you watching him and Kiara, he'll get suspicious and he'll think you don't trust him."
Simba knew Marisa was right so he decided to go.

But just as he turned to leave, he heard laughing and quickly spun around. He saw Kovu nearly over Kiara and he bolted down to the savannah with Marisa and Nala following. "Kovu!" shouted Simba angrily. Kovu jumped around in fright. Simba came over and ordered him to get off of his daughter. Kovu came off and immediately hid behind his big sister who was  rolling her eyes in a 'are you serious' form of fashion.

Kiara was upset with her father.
"Daddy," she whined in exasperation this is the fifteenth time you've stopped Kovu and I from doing our thing,"
"I don't want you getting pregnant before your time Kiara. You're still young," Simba said glaring at Kovu.

"But Daddy, Kovu and I love each other so much. Kovu knows what he's doing, it's not like he's going to hurt me intentionally," protested Kiara.

Simba was just about argue further when Nala suggested they go back home for morning assembly.
"Good idea Nala," said Kovu, glad a pin was stuck on that particular conversation. He grabbed Kiara's paw and hastily pulled her up to Pride Rock with Simba following shaking his head, Nala giggling to herself and Marisa rolling her eyes.

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