The threat is revealed

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Five hours after Kiara and Kovu had their moment, it was time for the hunting party to hunt dinner. Marisa was in charge of the hunt and as usual, her coordination and remarkable leadership skills were rewarded with a decent sized meal for the pride; a large, male hippo was a rare meal for the lions and whenever the chance came, they took full advantage.
"Vitani go call the pride please," said Marisa when the hippo was secured at the waterhole.
"Yeah sure," replied her sister as she bolted off in the direction of Pride Rock.
Meanwhile in the den.
Kovu was lying in the den trying to register some very disturbing thoughts.
"Jeez I can't believe I have to get food for that monster today," he groaned to himself.
After several minutes of pondering, Kovu decided that if he didn't get the food now, he'd never have the chance until tommorow.
"Oh well might as well get it over with," he said with dread.
He walked out of the cool but empty den and into the field where the hunting party lay in waiting for the rest of the pride.
Deciding it was best if no one saw him, Kovu walked cautiously away from the lionesses and to the Eastern waterhole where he knew there was a family of hares.
After a four minute walk, Kovu arrived at the hole where the hares dwelled.
He crept up to them and was surprised to see that there was a lone hare who was asleep five feet away from the hole.
He crept slowly up to the animal and pounced; the hare was dead in seconds.
He picked up the surprisingly heavy animal and carried it to the outlands where he would drop it off and be on his merry way; if only it were that easy.
Meanwhile at the outlands.
"Tommorow? We're attacking tommorow?" asked Hasari her eyes popping wide.
"Yes dear," her mother replied.
Hasari huffed in annoyance and walked out of the cave leaving her mother alone.
Barely ten seconds after Hasari left, Kovu came into the den and dropped the hare at her feet.
"Your dinner," he said lowly.
The lioness chuckled and began to devour the hare.
Kovu watched and turned his face; the way in which the lioness ate was truly disgusting.
By the time she was done, her mouth was covered in blood.
"Right I'm off the hook for tonight," said Kovu as he prepared to leave.
"Stay awhile my dear, you're leaving so soon?," she taunted.
"Stay awhile? Hah I don't think so," Kovu smirked to himself.
"No thank you, I'm homesick right about now," he managed to blurt out.
He was just about to run when Hasari came in the cave with six other lionesses.
"Mother, why is Kovu here?" asked Hasari with hate.
Kovu's heart stopped beating for a brief moment before his eyes widened in shock.
"HASARI WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" roared the lioness.
Kovu growled and averted his eyes to the lioness.
"You're planning to take over the Pride Lands aren't you?" he asked through clenched teeth.
"I was trying to do it tomorrow, but my daughter sort of blew the coconut wide open, so that would be a yes," she said smirking wickedly.
"I'll never allow it! Simba and Nala will know about your plans," he said.
"And how do you suppose you do that, Kovu," Hasari said smiling.
"I'll tell them," he replied. "right now!"
He turned around and fled.
"Get him!" the lioness screamed.
Led by Hasari, the six lionesses sprinted after Kovu's fleeing figure.
"Give up Kovu you are outnumbered," shouted Hasari.
Kovu ignored her and continued to run, but when he turned around to see how close or how near his pursuers were, he tripped on a root and he collided with a rock head on; literally head on.
The impact made him extremely light-headed and it slowed him down. Before he could get up,the six lionesses pounced on him and started to assault him mercilessly making him scream in agonizing pain.
When he was under control, Hasari walked up to him and chuckled softly.
"It's such a shame we can't kill you on the spot, I would've loved to do the honors, but my mother wants you alive and brought to her so I can't kill you," she said with a pang of sadness. But it wasn't the remorseful type, it more gravitated to the sarcastic and psychopathic type.
"Bring him to the cave," she ordered harshly.
"Don't bother, I'll walk," he grumbled.
Hasari laughed and allowed him to walk, with three lionesses behind and three in front.
They arrived in the cave and the sight made Kovu wish he was home, tucked in with his mate.
There were twenty five lions and lionesses in the cave, all with savage looks on their faces.
"Mother I have brought the prisoner," said Hasari proudly.
Instead of the warm hug and wicked comments she was used to, her mother glared at her and scratched her muzzle.
"AHHH!" she screamed.
The cave was silent, all to be heard were breathing.
"HOW DARE YOU!" the lioness screamed.
Hasari flinched and covered her bleeding muzzle with her paw.
"Mother why would you...
"Shut up! Just shut up and get out of here," she hissed.
Hasari closed her mouth and bowed her head as she retreated out of the den.
The lioness them turned to Kovu.
"You'll never see the light of another day, I can guarantee you that!" she growled.
Kovu rolled his eyes and sat down.
"Believe me I'm not going anywhere, just tell me, what do you have to gain by taking over the Pride Lands? We've done nothing to you," he said.
"You don't have to know anything! You're gonna die anyway," the lioness snarled.
The cave erupted in cheers as four lions started to mercilessly attack Kovu from all sides, making him roar in pain. His wounds from the previous attack hadn't yet had a chance to heal and they were still fresh so the pain was triple.
Hasari was watching from the side and the expression on Kovu's face made her insides melt.
"I can't just leave him here to die, I have to do something," she thought.
Just as she was about to walk out of the cave, Kuuma and Mauagi walked up to her with pained expressions on their faces.
Kuuma and Mauagi weren't as evil and corrupted as the rest of their pride, but under the cruel leadership of Hasari's mother and Kisasi, they had no choice. It was kill, or be killed and do or die for them all their lives.
"We have to help him," Hasari whispered.
"But how?" they asked.
Hasari leaned in and whispered softly in their ears. The plan made them smile.
"Let's do it," said Mauagi.
"Yeah I'm sick of being Kisasi's pawn," groaned Kuuma.
Hasari laughed and walked into the cave so she could blend in with the crowd.
Kuuma went with her and Kuuma went outside.
Kovu was near unconsciousness so they had to move fast.
Suddenly Mauagi rushed into the cave and started to shout out, gaining everyone's attention in seconds.
"A HIPPO IS OUTSIDE!" He hollered.
Now food was a scarcity in the outlands and if something was found, it was chaos to get it.
There was a riot as everyone in the cave ran outside to get the 'hippo'.
The only occupants were Kovu, Hasari, Mauagi and Kuuma.
"What was that for? Hippos don't come into the outlands," said Kovu groggily.
"They don't need to know that," said Hasari as she and the two lions rushed over to pick up Kovu.
"What's your deal Hasari? One minute you're chasing me to get me killed and the next you're trying to help me escape?" asked Kovu confused.
"Let's just say, we've had a change of heart," she said kindly.
For the first time since they met, Kovu detected a look of sincerity in Hasari's eyes. No sarcasm, no hate, no jealousy and no danger.
"If we're gonna escape, we might as well do it now," said Mauagi.
The others agreed and they walked out if the cave using the back exit that's been sealed with a huge rock, bit with the combined strength of Hasari, Mauagi and Kuuma, they managed to move it.
They picked up Kovu and left.
"We don't have much time so let's use the shortcut," said Hasari.
After making sure that Kovu was safely resting on their shoulders, Mauagi and Kuuma followed Hasari through the shortcut that went through some caves.
On the way, Hasari introduced Mauagi and Kuuma to Kovu as her mate and future brother-in-law.
"Nice to make your acquaintance," said Kovu. He had gained a little strength but he still had fresh wounds.
So Mauagi and Kuuma picked up the pace and ten minutes later, they arrived at the Eastern border and entered the safety of the Pride Lands.

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