A jealous situation

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When the pridelanders assembled on the platform, the royal family walked through and roared at the peak of Pride Rock like always. Simba turned around and Nala, Kovu and Kiara followed. "Good morning everyone I have a couple of announcements for you all and then we are dismissed for now." The pride was all ears. "A lioness named Hasari came to the pridelands this morning and she asked to stay in the pride, and someone allowed her to stay without even thinking about asking me." All heads turned on Kovu who was whistling nervously. Simba continued. "Furthermore, she will be allowed to stay in the pride if she can prove herself." The lionesses were murmuring under their breaths. "I'm going to call Hasari inside to officially introduce her to the pride," said Nala solemnly. As if responding to the call Hasari came in with a fairly innocent expression on her face. "Good morning everyone," she said perkily. "Good morning," said the pride.
"Good morning Kovu, how are you," said Hasari smiling. Once again Kovu was mesmerized by Hasari. "Good morning," he said carelessly. She ran her back under Kovu's chin and sat down beside him much to the annoyance of Kiara. "Soo, I heard my name being called, does anyone need me for anything?" Nala was just about to answer her when Kovu spoke hurriedly. "Yeah we were just talking about letting you stay in the pride with us, we figured that if you can prove yourself maybe we can let your stay be permanent." Vitani was just about to object when she was stopped by Diana. ''You know I'd love to be part of your pride," said Hasari. She took her head and rubbed it on Kovu's cheeks. Kovu smiled and licked her cheeks quite forgetting that he was in love with Kiara.
Kiara felt tears coming to her eyes so to hide them she picked up an excuse. "I uhh need to umm go to the waterhole to uhh g.get some w.. wat.. water e..xcuse me." She ran down the steps and ran to the waterhole, leaving all eyes to savagely turn on Kovu. The first one to speak was Vitani. "Well that went splendidly, don't you think Kovu?" Knowing exactly what she meant, Kovu looked away shamefully. "Now the second thing I have to announce is that since the dry season is in a couple of weeks, we need to try and conserve our water supply." The lionesses nodded their  understands and Simba dismissed them all. When the platform was empty, Kovu darted to the steps and prepared to bolt down when he was confronted by Vitani, Marisa, Diana and Burnt-Ebony, who looked like they wanted to rip him to shreds. The first one to speak was Vitani. "So Kovu, since you have a new friend I don't suppose you will be needing Kiara again will you?" Knowing that she was referring to the kiss he gave Hasari, Kovu slapped himself with his paw. He sighed and turned his head to the direction in which Kiara ran to. "You're right, I had no right to kiss Hasari in front of Kiara I'm such a fool."
"I'm happy that you've acknowledged the fact that you have made a mistake son," said Diana. "But you have to first apologise to Kiara since she was the one you hurt." "You're right mom, I'm going to apologise to her right now," said Kovu in determination. He ran to the waterhole to apologise to his love. The moment he left, Hasari appeared looking innocently at Vitani and Marisa. "Hey where did Kovu go in such a hurry?"she asked sweetly. Vitani rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath. "I saw him running towards the waterhole, is he by chance going to look after the princess?" Marisa's claws ripped into the dirt in total anger. Diana realized it was just a matter of time before her daughters blew up, to prevent it from happening, she quickly intervened. "Yes Hasari, he went to the waterhole to speak to Kiara about an important matter." Hasari smiled. "Oh well in that case I'll just go there and give him some support." "That won't be necessary for you to do that. I think you should just leave them to settle the problem for themselves, there is no need for you to interfere," said Vitani harshly. Diana and Burnt-Ebony were taken aback by their daughter's words. So was Hasari, she sighed and turned her head. "If you think so then I'll just leave and go to the den to look around," she said uneasily. She hastily left the group and walked up to the den. Diana, Burnt-Ebony, Vitani, and Marisa left to go their separate ways while Kovu was at the waterhole trying to apologise to Kiara. Hasari was inside the den, she was furiously scratching the wall. She was also trying to figure out how to get Kovu on her side and away from Kiara, and something says that exploring was the last thing on her mind.

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