Mysterious outland encounter.

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The next morning when Kovu woke up at dawn, he walked quietly out of the den and went to the northern waterhole to get a drink. No one noticed him leave, no one knew when he'll be back. He walked silently through the savannahs, crossed the West River, walked through the outlands and into a dark, eerie cave.
  He sniffed the air and walked into one of the many dark tunnels. When he arrived at a particular entrance, he stepped in and met a dark figure.
  "How many times do I have to tell you? Leave Kiara alone!"he said harshly. From the tunnel came a dark and cruel chuckle. "Kovu, Kovu, Kovu, sweet innocent Kovu," said the voice.
  "You said to leave the pridelanders alone. You never said anything about Kiara, did you?" Kovu growled under his breath but said nothing.
"I will never forget the expression on your face when you discovered my existence. It was both amusing and satisfying, at least for me that is,"
    "Yeah, yeah whatever. As long as your existence remains a secret I'm perfectly fine," said Kovu.
"And if it doesn't?"asked the voice smugly. Kovu sighed and looked away.
"You can't tell because you and I made a deal. I bring food for you morning, noon and night and you won't tell," he said.
  "Oh but you know a bargain can be broken anytime, you of all people should know that," cackled the voice.
Kovu hung his head. The voice continued to torment him.
  "And as soon as Simba finds out that you have been keeping this a secret from him, he'll never forgive you or let you be around his pretty little daughter either,"
   "If you're done torturing my soul, would you mind letting me leave?" Kovu asked. When there was no reply, the young lion left and went back to the Pride Lands. "Oh Kovu, you and your sisters have no idea what's coming," chuckled the voice to itself.
  Back at Pride Rock
  "Oh where in the pridelands can Kovu be?"cried Kiara. It was time for morning assembly to begin and Kovu was nowhere to be found. "Oh Kiara can you please stop worrying? Kovu will be fine," said Marisa. Kiara paid no attention. "How can I when I have no idea where Kovu us or when he'll be back? He could be anywhere!"
  "Or maybe he decided to take a silent holiday from princess worrisome," said Hasari nonchalantly. "What was that!"shouted Kiara. Hasari smiled and bowed to the ground. "Oh your highness, I didn't mean to step out of line, I was just concerned about my green eyed friend that's all," she said sweetly. No one except Kiara, Marisa, Vitani and a few other lionesses noticed Hasari's tone of sarcasm. Kiara was just about to retort when Kovu appeared on the platform. "Oh Kovu there you are, I've been worried sick," she said hugging him. Kovu gently removed Kiara from the hug and walked over to Hasari.
"We need to talk," he said calmly.
  Hasari smiled and followed Kovu off the platform. But before she left, she threw Kiara a devious wink.
  "Oh and romance has nothing to do with it in case you were wondering," said Kovu from the steps. Hasari stopped dead and this time it was Kiara's turn to wink at her. She rolled her eyes and followed Kovu down the steps.
   When they were alone, Kovu stopped and looked at Hasari's face. "I don't know what game you're playing, but I'm letting you know that it has no effect on me. Kiara is the one I love and I will always love her. So you'll do well to remember that you and I, will not be happening. Do I make myself clear?"
Hasari was taken aback by his cool tone, but she managed to keep her head on.
  "Oh don't you worry your pretty little head about me green eyes, I already have a mate," she said cockily. Kovu smiled and they walked back to Pride Rock. "Well how was it?"asked Kiara when they came back.
  "Oh it was great right Sari?"asked Kovu.
  "Wonderful," said Hasari through clenched teeth. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to be somewhere," she said forcefully. She retreated hastily while Kiara, Vitani and Marisa collapsed in laughter

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