Broken friendships

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After Vitani was placed in the den, Kovu ordered the lionesses to fetch Rafiki to give her a  thorough checkup. Kion was frantically pacing the platform, worried for his love.
"Kion calm down sweetie Vitani is going be fine," said Nala trying her best to soothe her flabbergasted son.
"Yes mother I know that's what everyone says," he said frustratedly.
"Kion please watch the way you speak to your mother. She's just trying to help you, there's no need to speak to her like that," said Simba.
"I know dad I'm just frustrated and angry. I wasn't even there to help her, otherwise all this crap wouldn't have happened,"
His father nodded knowingly. He too failed to help someone in the past and he regrets it up to this day.
Suddenly they heard a noise behind them and they turned around and saw Fuli with Ono and Bunga.
"Good afternoon everyone," said Bunga.
"Good afternoon,"
"Ono where in the savannah were you and the rest of the guard, I needed you and you were nowhere to be found," said Kion.
"My apologies Kion, Fuli sent us on a vacation to M Bali fields to relax for a while," said Ono.
Kion turned to Fuli.
"Is this true?" He asked lowly.
"It appears to be," she said nonchalantly.
"And you lied to me when you said you knew where the rest of the guard was," he said it more like a statement than a question.
"I didn't lie," she said rolling her eyes and a scratching her ears.
"You denied having no such knowledge of their were abouts did you not?" he asked through gritted teeth.
"I neither affirm or deny it," she answered.
"Then what did you do?" he probed.
"I forgot," she said simply.
"YOU FORGOT?!" he yelled.
"Kion, stop yelling," scolded Nala.
"Yes I forgot, no one's perfect like you Kion," she taunted sarcastically.
Kion growled and walked up to her and grabbed her face in his paws. He bent down and whispered in her ears.
"Unless you wish to be suspended from the guard, I'd recommend it if you cut out that attitude and pay close attention," he said it softly but it was also dangerous.
"Okay sheesh I'm listening," she said rolling her eyes.
"If you try anything with Vitani when she wakes up I swear I'll do more than suspend you from the guard. I'll evoke you; permanently,"
Fuli gasped and swallowed hard.
"Are we clear in that?"
"Yes Kion we are clear on that," she said softly.
"Uh, uh, uh. You no longer have permission to call me Kion. After that stunt you pulled, you've lost that privilege,"
"What'll I call you then?" Fuli questioned.
"I might not have the throne when I'm married, but 'your highness' will do just fine as of now," he said smirking.
Fuli bit her lip and Kion released her when he heard Kiara call him.
"Kion you idiot I've been calling you for the past five minutes!" said Kiara boxing his ear.
"Sorry sis I was taking care of some business," he said emphasizing the word business with a hint of sarcasm.
Kiara raised her eyebrows and shook her head.
"Whatever smarty, Vitani is awake and Rafiki wants some water in a turtle shell for her to drink so she could revive herself,"
Kion nodded and bounded off the platform but made sure to bump Fuli's shoulder hard with his own. Fuli frowned and rubbed her shoulder.
Kiara noticed and walked over to her.
"Are you alright Fuli? I saw Kion bump you," she said.
"Yes I'm fine. Thank you for asking your highness," she said ruefully.
Kiara stiffened.
Fuli never called her 'your highness' before. It was either Kiara or pretty girl.
"Fuli is something the matter?"
"No your highness," she replied.
Kiara bit her tongue.
She was a very patient lioness who was tolerable and slow to anger. She would never lash out at anyone unless they gave her cause to do so. One thing she never did fancy was someone within her age bracket or someone she knew personally calling her 'your highness or your majesty' that was worth getting riled up for.
"Fuli please do not address me as 'your highness' I do not like it and I'm not even Queen yet so please," she said calmly.
"My apologies your highness I am truly sorry," said Fuli bowing.
Another thing, she despised it when people didn't respect her wishes. She wasn't the Queen yes, but she was still the princess and she demanded respect and coordination from her subjects and those under her.
"Fuli what did I just say?" she asked calmly.
"Your highness I'm trying to…
Her shout was so loud, it brought Kovu, Diana and Burnt Ebony  out of the den.
Kovu walked up to her and placed a paw on her shoulder.
"Babe what's wrong why are you shouting?" he questioned.
"It's nothing Kovu," she snapped.
"Kiara don't lie, it's not nothing. What's the matter?" he said rubbing her neck.
"I'll tell you later," she said
Kovu nodded and kissed her cheeks before walking back into the den with his parents.
"May I leave your highness?" she asked.
"Just. Go," she said through gritted teeth.
Fuli bowed and walked off of the platform.
Kion came back with the turtle shell full of water five seconds  after Fuli's departure.
"What's wrong Ara?" asked Kion when he set the turtle shell in the ground.
Kiara scoffed at the nickname he used on her ever since they were cubs.
"I can see why you threatened Fuli now," she said.
Kion straightened up his shoulders and stated Kiara square in her eyes.
"Who told you that?" he asked.
"Come on Kion no one had to tell me, I saw how you spoke to her. It didn't appear to be a friendly conversation so yeah, com-mon sense," she said teasingly.
"She deserved it! She don't get to talk to me like that and get away with it,"
Kiara laughed and hugged him.
"I had a little battle with her just now, I can see why you threatened her. She's a pain,"
"Not like you she is," he taunted.
"What was that?!" She countered.
"Kidding," he said laughing at her tomato red face.
"Better be," she muttered.
He was just about to further comment when Marisa poked her head out of the den.
"Hey lover boy, you get that water for Vitani or what?" she asked.
"Oh yeah sorry Marisa," he said blushing at being called lover boy.
He picked up the turtle shell and walked into the den with Kiara following closely behind.
They walked in and Kion placed the shell directly in front of Vitani so she could drink it without effort.
"Mmm thanks baby," she said smiling.
"BABY?!" Kovu and Marisa shouted.
"Hush now," scolded.
"We're sorry Mom but we never thought we'd live to see the day when Vitani, our sister, also known as 'The Demon of War'  would find herself a mate," said Marisa.
"Thank you for reminding me of my lovely title," said Vitani smiling.
"Why on Earth would you name Vitani after the demon of war anyway Diana?" asked Nala.
"Well it was her sister who suggested we name her Vitani. She also named Kovu," said Burnt Ebony.
"It was a custom in my old pride that the youngest sibling of a litter names the cub or cubs of the oldest sibling in the litter. But I insisted that I name at least one of my cubs. My sister Crystal named Kovu and Vitani. Ebony and I named Marisa," said Diana.
"Oh that was nice," said Nala.
"Yeah nice," said Kovu and Vitani in unison.
No one missed their sarcasm.
"What are you mad that you weren't the chosen one?" asked Marisa tauntingly.
"I'm the chosen one sister," said Kovu boldly.
"Past tense, was the chosen one dear brother," smirked Vitani.
"Present tense," said Kovu.
"Past tense," insisted Vitani.
"Present tense," countered Kovu.
"Past tense," challenged Vitani.
"Future tense," quirked Kiara.
Both turned to face her.
"Thank you my darling," said Kovu smiling at Kiara.
"See Kiara has enough sense,"
Vitani rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"Anyways, I'd better leave now, the sexual tension is a little too much for my liking," said Rafiki as he left to go back to his tree.
Vitani blushed crimson red.
"OMG SHE'S BLUSHING," shrieked Marisa.
"Quiet," hissed Diana.
Kion smiled and nuzzled Vitani's soft, furry neck.
"Kion please, not in front of everyone," said Vitani pleadingly.
"Let them look I don't care," muttered Kion trailing kisses from her neck go down.
She started to moan but realized that would only further satisfy her siblings.
"Aww," crooned Kovu and Marisa teasing their sister.
"Reminds me of us," whispered Kiara.
Kovu smiled.
"Would you like that to be arranged?" he asked seductively.
Kiara nodded vigorously.
"Come along then," he said chuckling.
After declaring they had royal duties to attend to, Kovu and Kiara left to have some fun of their own.
Diana and Nala went off with their husbands to bask in the sun while Marisa being the only odd one, went to the Eastern waterhole to see if any of  her pride sisters were interested in a chat. Unfortunately not everyone was happy.
At the Western border.
Fuli sat at the edge of the border and cried.
Not only was she sad, she was sad, angry, frustrated, annoyed, hotheaded, upset and
"You can't avoid me forever Kion! You will be mine. Whether you like it or not. And no one will stand in the way of our unification," said Fuli darkly.
"Especially not you Vitani. You horrible little she devil."

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