Like mother like daughter

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"Well since you attacked Kiara, I have no choice but to banish you from the pride lands," said Simba coldly.
This was not Kisasi's original plan but Hasari was tired of taking orders from him. So she came up with a better more craftier plan. "Very well your Majesty. I know I shouldn't have attacked the princess but what choice did I have? Anyway I do thank you for letting me stay. But I must be moving on now," said Hasari. Kovu looked at Vitani and Marisa and they both shrugged their shoulders apparently they were thinking the exact same thing as Kovu.
"What a hypocrite!"
Hasari bowed one last time before walking off the platform.
As soon as she was gone, Kovu went to inspect Kiara's muzzle which was bloody and red. "Baby are you okay?" he asked concerned for his love.
"Yeah I'm good," she mumbled looking down. "You're a terrible liar you know that," said Kovu. Kiara rolled her eyes and followed Kovu into the den where he sat down and licked her face until all the blood was gone.
"Mmm thanks baby," she said gratefully.
Kovu smiled and nuzzled her tenderly, then they laid on the ground and took a nap. Meanwhile their parents were talking behind the rock, some lionesses were either napping, hunting, feeding their cubs or talking with their pride sisters and Vitani and Marisa were gossiping by the watering hole with their close outsider friends.

Meanwhile at the outlands
Kisasi lashed Hasari's face sending her sprawling across the floor.
"Kisasi I'm sorry," she sobbed.
"SORRY!" roared Kisasi hitting her again.
I sent you to the pride lands to get a job done, you fail miserably and you have the guts to say I'm sorry,"
He took his paw and pushed her down in the dirt. He climbed on top of her and began to choke her.
She cried and tried to get Kisasi to release her neck but she couldn't.
"If you act like a spoilt teenager, expect to be treated like one," he growled.
With that, he positioned himself and started to thrust in and out of her in rough motions.
"AHH! K.Kisasi! Please stop! I... I won't do it ... I won't do it again. Please stop it hurts so bad!" she whined pleadingly.
"No! You failed me Hasari this behavior is intolerable!" snapped Kisasi as he resumed thrusting in Hasari's virgin hole with such rough actions that she was crying and struggling to get away.
"KISASI!" roared a female voice.
Both Kisasi and Hasari turned around to see a near scrawny lioness with red fiery eyes, a mark over her forehead and a dirty golden fur colour. The lioness was the same one that Kovu encountered in the outlands.
"What are you doing to my daughter?!" she asked outraged.
"Boss, she failed me, I couldn't let her crime go unpunished," protested Kisasi coming off of Hasari.
The unknown lioness marched up to Kisasi and swiped him across his face. He flinched in pain but said nothing.
"Mommy," whimpered Hasari.
The lioness hugged Hasari and rubbed the area that was just invaded by Kisasi.
"Better honey?" she asked soothingly. Hasari nodded and kissed her mother.
"So Simba banished my baby girl didn't he," said the lioness.
"All because I hit Kiara after she insulted me," replied Hasari angrily.
"Then I fought with Kovu,"
The lioness snickered and patted Hasari's shoulder. "Well done dear. And I also have some news for you." As the lioness spoke, six lions and eight lionesses emerged from one of the caves. Among them were Kumma and Mauagi were among them as well.
"Mommy, you've been working haven't you," said Hasari.
"But of course if we are to take over the Pride Land, we need an army," said the lioness.
Hasari laughed evilly.
"Your grace, some of your old pride members are in Simba's pride. Are you certain you want to go up against them? They are highly trained in combat and they possess gruel fighting techniques," said Kisasi.
"My mother taught them those grueling techniques, so she could teach you as well," said Hasari.
"Besides those fools will be too shocked to fight when they discover my existence!"
There was a great din as the rogues cheered.
"They'll die within seconds!"
"It's been years since I had blood on my paws! The thrill!"
"Watch out Simba, here we come!"
"Blood, death and vengeance; a wonderful combination!"
As they continued, the unknown lioness went to a corner and faced a particular cave.
"My love, I missed you. It's been ages since we last talked," she said in a voice that oozed with poison.
"Simba's pride will regret what they've done. Fortunately those insane maniacs were just pretending and the fire created a diversion."
The other individual chuckled.
"Well dear, all you have to do is go through with the plan, my entry into the Pride Lands will come soon after."
The lioness smiled and walked back to the den where the rogues were waiting.
"Get back to your activities and we will strike by the next full moon," said the lioness.
Everyone nodded their understanding and left the den.
said Hasari walking up to her mother.
"What is it Hasari.
"Isn't the next full moon in three days?"
Her mother nodded.
"So we will attack in three days?" She asked.
"We will," replied her mother.
"Isn't it a little too early?" asked Hasari.
"It is never too early to taste blood and take lives,"
Hasari grinned so wide her teeth were showing.
"We are alike in many ways," she said darkly.
Her mother agreed with her.
"Like mother like daughter,"

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