Kion has a girlfriend?!

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Everyone in the Pride Lands were at peace. The herds grazed in the lush grasslands, hippos wallowed in the mud to protect their skin against the blazing African sun, elephants and giraffes stated near the water holes to eat and drink and the predators hunted their meals.
The lion pride as usual lazed around Pride Rock. Some were cubsitting, others were talking and the majority were sleeping.
Kovu, Marisa and their parents were talking with Kiara, Kion and her parents.
"The lion guard is doing a marvelous job at keeping the Pride Lands safe, I'm so proud of  you Kion," said Nala.
Kion smiled at his mother.
"Thanks Mom, the job is grueling and tedious but it's totally worth it. But Kiara's gonna get her share of tedious work when she's Queen," he said smirking at his sister.
Kiara rolled her eyes as everyone started to laugh.
"Oh please you're only saying that it's tedious because you have no one to share your stuff with. Like a girlfriend?" she said smiling wickedly.
"Kiara please don't bring up the topic of a girlfriend for your brother," said her father sighing.
"But daddy, he can't run from girls forever, he has to settle down sooner or later," she protested.
"Maybe Kion has a girlfriend but he doesn't want anyone to find out," suggested Diana.
"Yes! That's it he does have a girlfriend But the question is who is his girlfriend in question," said Kiara triumphantly.
"Is it someone we know?" asked Nala.
"Everyone in the pride knows her," he said smoothly.
"What color eyes does she have?"
asked Kovu.
"Violet," he replied.
"What sort of personality does she have," asked Marisa.
"Well uhh, slightly aggressive, a little dominant and optimistic if she wants to be and gorgeously breathtaking," he said smiling.
"Does she have any siblings?" asked Burnt Ebony.
"Two," he replied.
Kiara thought for a moment as she allowed that information to sink in.
"Kion, this girl is she single at the moment?" she asked.
"Well yeah, she doesn't really pay attention to guys much soo…"
"Is she homosexual?" asked Diana in horror.
"No, no she's definitely not homosexual," said Kion hurriedly.
Nala sighed in relief.
The thought of her son having a homosexual girlfriend was indeed disturbing.
"So what's her name?" asked Kovu.
Kion bit his lip and shrugged his shoulders.
"You have a girlfriend and you don't even know her name?" asked Marisa.
"that doesn't sound like love it sounds like lust,"
"No Marisa it's not lust," said Kion.
"Then what's her name?" probed Diana.
Kion was just about to answer when Fuli came into the den panting and gasping.
"Kion Janja and his hyenas are invading the Eastern waterhole, there isn't much of them," 
"Again?" groaned Kion.
"One more reason I'm happy to be the first born," said Kiara.
Kion ignored her and turned to face Fuli.
"Is anyone else there?" he asked.
"They're holding a lioness," she said softly.
"Who's the lioness?" he asked lowly.
Fuli hesitated for a brief moment.
"Fuli answer me! Who's the lioness Janja is holding hostage?!" he demanded harshly.
Fuli flinched and cowered against the wall.
"Fuli answer me now, or so help me I will disfigure your face and leave you to die! So answer me NOW!" he shouted aggressively.
Nala stood in front of Fuli who was near tears.
"Kion that is no way to speak to Fuli," she said sternly.
He scoffed and sat down.
"Fuli sweetie please give me the honor of knowing who is the lioness that Janja has hostage. Is it someone I know or is it a member of the pride? Or is it a random rouge," he asked sarcastically.
"It's Vitani!" she snapped coldly.
That set the den into a sickening silence.
Everyone stood up with grim looks on their faces.
"Is she okay?" asked Marisa.
"Well she's quiet and the hyenas aren't hurting her, but they've threatened to hurt her lover if she doesn't cooperate," said Fuli.
"Vitani has a lover?!" shrieked Kovu and Marisa in disbelief.
Fuli nodded.
Kiara looked at Kion.
"Looks like Kovu and Marisa just earned a new brother-in-law," she said gesturing to her brother.
All eyes turned to Kion.
"Kion, is Vitani the lioness you care about?" asked Nala softly.
He nodded his head.
"Yes Mom," he said.
"And she cares for you?" asked Diana.
He nodded again.
"Yes she cares for me. She said it with her own mouth," he said looking at her.
"This is no time to be angry, shocked, disappointed, happy or exhilarated. Vitani's life is in grave danger and if we don't do something now, Janja could end her life right there," said Kiara.
"He wouldn't, she's mine! Touch her and I'll kill him on the spot!" he said darkly.

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