Darkness returns

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   SIMBA:   I'm dreaming. I have to be dreaming, it wasn't possible. My worst enemy,  my tormentor, my nightmare come to life is standing right in front of my face. How could this be? If this is reality and he is alive, Great Kings of the Past help us all.

NALA:  I was there when he took over the Pride Lands, I was there when he slowly transformed my home into a barren wasteland, I was there when he led a hyena clan and forced us to obey his every command. And I was near when he aledgedly died, how can he be alive?

KOVU: No, oh no, no, no, no. This is impossible, he can't be alive. He couldn't have survived; and if he did, where was he all this time? There has to be a reasonable explanation, this monster can't be back- he just CAN'T!

KIARA: He's ALIVE?! How oh how is this even possible? I don't believe what is happening, I refuse to believe life as we know it is over. I will not stand for it. How is this murderous demon even alive. He died, he's dead! My eyes are playing tricks on me.

"Why Simba my nephew aren't you happy to see your old uncle?" Scar asked in a sickening voice dripping in evil. His black mane was clumpy and dirty, he had several burn marks littering his body and his body itself was disfigured and looked broken in numerous places. Besides him, Zira stood looking proud and disgustingly smug. Kovu wanted to kill them both but he was still in shock; they all were. Some more than others.

"How, just how are you still alive?" Simba advanced upon Scar and snarled as ferocious as possible. Scar and Zira just laughed, which infuriated Simba. Nala walked up to stand beside her mate, glaring at Scar with nothing but hatred in her eyes. Scar smirked and shifted his gaze to Kovu who had recovered from his shock and was glaring at the lion he was forced to follow all his life. Standing up, he strode over to Nala and Simba and faced Scar.

"You are to get out of the Pride Lands this very instant and never return. Because if you don't, the outcome won't be pleasant for you," he said coldly. To this Scar lost his smirk and pretended to cower in fear. "Oh Kovu no! Please spare me, don't kill me. I promise I'll be good," he taunted mockingly. Zira cackled, madness seeping from every cell of her being. Vitani stepped up and stood beside her brother, a look of sheer determination on her face.

"Oh look Kovu, apparently Scar and Zira think you're bluffing. Should we prove them wrong?"she asked sweetly. Kovu saw what she was doing and played right along. He pretended to put what she was doing into deep consideration. "Hmm, to be honest Tani I really don't know. Only fools and cowards do these kinds of things. What do you say Marisa?" Knowing full and well what her sibling were doing, Marisa stepped forward and stood on Kovu's left while Vitani stood on his right.

"Hey come on guys, we grew up under Zira's influence, she knows we don't bluff. Unless of course her brain took some beatings in the river and she's gotten... stupid?" 

"ENOUGH!" Scar roared angrily. Kovu and his sisters stared at him with innocent expressions on their faces. Kovu laughed mockingly and everyone including Zira stared at him like he was crazy; all except Vitani and Marisa who were used to their brother and all his crazy ways. Kovu sighed and sat down like he didn't have a care in the world. 

"Look Scar I'm really not in any mood to fight. So just take your lionesses and leave and we'll forget everything and just.... Before he could finish, Scar burst out laughing and Zira's smirk returned to her face. "Leave and we'll just forget everything? Oh Kovu my boy you're as naive as they come, it's either you don't know me or you've forgotten me. Either way, you'll soon be reminded."  Faster than anyone saw it coming, Scar grabbed Kiara and held her close to him with his razor sharp claws just inches from her neck. 

"Kiara!" Nala shouted terrified. Kovu froze. His original intent was to distract Scar, throw him off balance and have Vitani and Marisa tackle Zira while he killed him, but with Kiara in the equation; things just got a whole lot complicated. He couldn't risk hurting his love, he just couldn't. It would kill him if anything happened to Kiara because of his recklessness. He took a deep breath, calmed his nerves and let it out slowly. 

"Scar you are to release Kiara right now, because if you don't I will not spare you," Kovu said in a low and deathly serious voice. Scar didn't appear to feel threatened in the slightest manner. In fact he just smiled and tightened his grip on Kiara's neck causing her to cry out in pain. Kovu growled and lunged at Scar. But Zira was anticipating such a move and she jumped and knocked Kovu down and bit his shoulder making his scream painfully. 

Vitani and Marisa jumped at Zira and Simba signalled the rest of the pride to attack. But before they could move from where they were, they heard a roar which sounded dangerously close, like it was coming from the steps? Suddenly around twenty four lions and lionesses walked onto the platform. Kisasi led them along with Zira and Scar's strongest warriors. Scar still held Kiara and Zira managed too get away from Vitani and Marisa and stand close to him while their pride stood behind them. Kovu got up and Hasari stood next to him. 

"You have no idea what you're up against. Kisasi and the rest of them will not hesitate to kill your entire pride; you know that," she whispered to him so no one else could hear. He agreed with her completely. He couldn't risk Kiara getting killed and he did not want to surrender the Pride Lands to Scar; that was out of the question. So what could he do?

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