Dinner and praise

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It was sundown in the pridelands and it was time for the lionesses to hunt. Nala was in charge of the hunt and she was doing an excellent job at directing the lionesses. The pride had been watching a herd of zebra and they were trying to stalk the herd without being seen. Marisa and Vitani were quietly stalking a straggler, they were both professional huntresses and they had been hunting ever since they could walk and run, Zira had trained them well. Nala raised her head about three inches above the grass and gave the signal. The lionesses reacted almost instantly and before long they were springing and running after the zebras, who as usual were panicking and running. The lionesses sprang after the prey and before long, they had succeeded in catching nine zebras.
"Good job ladies," said Nala proudly. "Marisa call the rest of the pride for dinner, it's time to eat." Marisa roared as loud as possible and soon the pride arrived. "Hello Marisa darling," said Diana nuzzling her daughter affectionately. "Hi Mom," said Marisa happy to see her mother. Diana glanced at the heap of bloody meat and praised her daughter profusely. "What about me mom?"asked Vitani. "Marisa wasn't  the only one who can hunt you know," Diana  laughed and nuzzled Vitani. "Of course you can have some praise too." "I love all of my children." "Relatively speaking," said Marisa looking around. " Does anyone know where Kovu is?" Diana shrugged and Burnt-Ebony shook his head. "He's never late for dinner," added Vitani. " Especially when dinner is zebra. Zebra is his favorite thing to eat after all." "Diana," said Nala. "Have you seen Kiara?" "No Nala I have no idea where Kiara is, I haven't seen Kiara since this afternoon." As if answering her question, Kiara came running around the corner screaming, startling the rest of the lionesses. "Kiara!"cried Nala. "What in the pridelands is going on?"
Kiara jumped behind her mother, gasping for air. "M…m...mom Kovu is
ch…chasing m..me. You've got to hide me quick!" Nala glanced at Diana and Burnt-Ebony and raised her eyebrow. They both shrugged their shoulders. "Ohh Kiara," called Kovu from around the corner. Kiara shuddered at the sweetest in his voice and gulped nervously. Kovu continued to talk to her in his sugary voice. "You have something that belongs to me and I will stop at nothing until I get it. That my dear is a promise." Kovu made an appearance and scanned the area for Kiara. When he didn't see her, he used his trusty nose. When he found what he was looking for, he crept slowly up to Nala and pounced on Kiara, knocking her flat. "Kovu, what in the world. How did you find me?"asked Kiara giggling. "Easy," he told her smiling ear to ear. "My nose did most of the work, your scent is one scent that my nose can detect any day of the week." On hearing this comment, Kiara blushed. "And that reminds me," Kovu said. "I think I remember why I started to chase you in the first place." Kiara gulped. "So do you want to give me what I came for or do you want me to force myself on you? The choice is yours."
"I'll never do it!"cried Kiara adamantly.
"Never do what Kiara?"asked Marisa.
"This!"shouted Kovu. He grabbed Kiara by her side and started to tickle her. "AHHH! KOVU, STOP PLEASE I BEG YOU!" Kiara screamed as Kovu's paw separations invaded her favorite tickling spots. "Oh come on Kiara," said Kovu tickling her. "All I want is for you to say that I'm the hottest most gorgeous lion in all of that pridelands. Is that too much to ask for? Is it? Huh? Is it?" "No I can't say just that," screamed Kiara. "Your not just hot and gorgeous. You're hot, you're gorgeous, you're beautiful you're incredibly strong, amazing, brave and above all you're incredibly sexy. Face it Kovu you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." When Kovu heard that last few words, he stopped tickling her immediately and he sat down. " That's all I wanted to hear my love." He said softly. Kiara blushed  a deep scarlet red and got up. Five minutes later, the pride ate the zebra and went back to Pride Rock to sleep. Little knowing that the next day they were in for a surprise.

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