First and last warning

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Diana and Burnt Eboney were just about to leave and go to the waterhole, when Kiara, Kovu, Vitani and Marisa came rushing up.
"Whoa what's going on kids?"asked Diana. Kiara didn't answer instead she ran up the steps to meet her parents.
"Sorry Mom but do you know where Simba and Nala are?"inquired Kovu.
"They're in the cave. Why?"asked Diana. Kovu didn't answer he bolted up Pride Rock after Kiara with Vitani, Marisa, Diana and Burnt Eboney following close behind.
"Mother! Daddy! Where are you?"shouted Kiara. Simba, Nala, Sarafina, Sarabi and several other lionesses came out when they heard Kiara's calls. "What is it honey? Why are you screaming?"enquired Simba.
"I wouldn't scream for nothing daddy," said Kiara. "For me to scream like this, something or someone would have done something to upset me,"
"Hey what's going on here," asked a voice. All heads turned and saw Hasari standing there with a dead mouse in her mouth. Kiara snarled and marched up to her with anger in her amber red eyes.
"What's going on? I'll tell you what's going on you insane, egoistic, twisted hypocrite!"shouted Kiara.
Hasari inhaled sharply. If anyone found out about her mission, then she'd never have hope of accomplishing it. Kisasi, Mauagi and Kuuma were counting on her success. "What has Hasari done?"asked Nala. "She attacked Kiara," growled Kovu. "What!"shouted Nala outraged. "How dare you attack my daughter!"demanded Simba angrily.
"Well Hasari why don't you tell everyone about our little tussle,"said Kiara sweetly. "Gladly," said Hasari sarcastically. Everyone straightened up and prepared to listen to the explanation. "I went somewhere and came back just recently. The princess was conversing with her friends and her green eyed boyfriend," Hasari said purposely emphasizing boyfriend. Kiara growled at her but said nothing.
"After that they insulted me so I called Kovu a coward and the princess decided to swipe my face. Then I pushed her and left. It's not my fault she's such an egg,"
"Ugh, you're such a liar," growled Kiara.
"Whatever see you around princess prissy," smirked Hasari. She smiled one last time and prepared to walk off the platform. "Hey! I'm not finished talking to you yet! Get back here you egoistic freak!"shouted Kiara. Hasari kept walking. "I said stop! I command you to stop!"yelled Kiara running after Hasari. When she caught up to her she held her shoulder with one paw and forced her around. But Hasari was ready for her. She whirled around and scratched Kiara's muzzle. "AHH!"she screamed in agonizing pain. When that blow came, the entire platform was silent. No one said a word. Kiara held her muzzle as multiple drops of blood dripped down. When she raised her head, her beautiful mouth which was usually smiling and happy was pained and stained with blood. "Oops sorry princess didn't mean to scratch you, looks like you won't be kissing lover boy for a while," smirked Hasari haughtily. She laughed evilly and prepared to walk off the platform but was stopped by Kovu. He roughly turned her around and stared into her eyes with hate. "What have you done?"he asked darkly. Hasari was not intimidated by Kovu's tone so she answered calmly and cooly. "What have I done? I've repaid your girlfriend for insulting me, that's what I've done! So there!"
Kovu growled and pounced on her.
"How dare you hurt Kiara!" he roared.
"Aww are you mad green eyes?" taunted Hasari. That set Kovu off completely.
He came off of Hasari and got into attack formation. "There is no way I'm letting you leave without a fight," he said aggressively. Hasari smiled and got into a fighting stance. "Come on big boy let's see what your made out off. I wanna see whether you're a wimp or a coward or both both. You're gonna lose anyway, it's one against one."
" It's three against one," countered Vitani. She and Marisa came to Kovu's side and stood there to face Hasari.
"Aww, not only are you a coward Kovu but you're a weakling too. You can't fight me on your own, so your sisters have to fight for you. Pathetic!"swooned Hasari.
Kovu growled and motioned for Vitani and Marisa to back off. Hasari smiled and tossed her head. "Alright lover, let's see what you've got,"
Kovu and Hasari moved into position and began to circle each other. They circled for a while before finally, they both retaliated at the same time.
"Go Kovu! Show her whose boss!"shouted Kiara.
"Yeah Kovu you the man!"chimed in Vitani. When Kovu turned around to look at Vitani, Hasari's paw made direct contact with his jaw. "Ow!"
"Ooo!"exclaimed the spectators. While Kovu was reeling from the blow, Hasari snatched the opportunity and smacked his face with her unsheathed claws.
"ARGH!"he screamed painfully.
"NO!"screamed Kiara. She was just about to rush in and help him Vitani and Marisa placed their paws in front of her preventing her from passing.
"What are you doing? Let me pass," she said. "No Kiara, Kovu knows what he is doing, don't intervene,"
Kiara sighed and turned back to the scene. "Come on get up! You haven't even hit me yet. Get up you...
She didn't finish her sentence because Kovu had just delivered a jaw breaking uppercut.
"Get up you what?"asked Kovu smirking.
"Yeah go Kovu give her a good old outsider punch in that prissy mouth of hers," cheered Marisa. The moment Hasari heard outsider she stopped dead.
"Wait time out!" she yelled.
"Timeout? No way," replied Kovu chasing her.
"No! Timeout. I'm begging you," she pleaded desperately. Kovu stopped and reconsidered for a moment. "Ten minutes," he said. She sighed and collapsed on the platform breathing heavily. "Now, where are you three from?"asked Hasari when she was fully rested. "Why do you care?"asked Vitani grudgingly.
"Yeah that's none of your business," chimed in Marisa.
"Please I just want to know," said Hasari. For once her voice was sincere. The sibling considered for a moment then finally they gave in. "The outlands," they said in unison. "WHAT!"yelled Hasari in disbelief causing everyone to jump back in alarm.
"And you was your mother before you came here?"she asked.
"Why do you want to know? That's got nothing to do with you,"said Vitani.
"Oh for God's sake just tell me," said Hasari irritatingly. "Our mother's name was Zira," said Kovu sighing. Hasari smiled triumphantly. "You naive idiots,you have no idea what's coming," she thought evilly to herself.

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