The truth comes out

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"Why Simba aren't you and your family happy to see me?" asked Zira with a sickening smirk.
Simba clenched his teeth.
"You're supposed to be dead! You fell into the river and drowned," he shouted.
"Yes I did fall into the river, but I didn't drown as you had expected," said Zira laughing.
"Then what happened to you," asked Nala. She appeared to be calm, but inside she was seething.
"It all happened after your precious daughter pushed me,"
"I never pushed you," Kiara cried out. "you refused my help."
Zira laughed bitterly and sat down. 
"You corrupted my children,  Kovu especially. He was so perfect and the son I never had until you came along and injected this sickness called love in his black soul,"
"WE WERE NEVER YOURS!" Kovu Vitani and Marisa yelled at her.
"My babies, of course you were. I raised you, nurtured and brought you up," said Zira sadly.
"You stole us from our real parents one," growled Vitani.
"You abused us since we could talk two," snapped Marisa.
"You made us into killing machines when we were teenagers three," snarled Kovu.
Then Diana walked forward with her red eyes burning with hate.
"Because of you I was never there to watch my cubs grow up. My babies that I almost died to push out of me, my cubs that I wanted all my life were stolen from me by you! YOU MONSTER!"
Zira laughed evilly and looked at Diana's seething form.
"I needed heirs to carry on my legacy. I didn't have a cub to succeed me when I was gone, so I had no choice but to take yours,"
"You had Nuka, did you forget about him?" asked Marisa.
"That useless piece of nothing?" asked Zira scornfully. "He wasn't qualified to succeed me."
"So when he died, you pretended to be overcome with grief," stated Kovu.
"At least you reminded me of my love," she said with a nasty smirk.
All this time, Hasari was standing there listening to the exchange of words with tears of rage and hate streaming down her face.
She turned to face Zira with a menacing glare.
"That means you aren't even my real mother! If you stole Kovu, Vitani and Marisa from their real parents, what makes me any different?!" She snarled.
"It took you long enough to figure that out," smirked Zira.
"So you lied to Hasari too?" asked Kiara in disbelief.
"Pretty much," she replied.
"After all I've done for you. This is what you do? You stole me from my parents, brought me to the outlands where I nearly starved to death, make me believe a filthy lie and you're proud of it all?" Hasari asked tearfully.
"Anything else you want to know?" scoffed Zira.
Hasari dropped down to the ground and did the only thing she hadn't done in all her life; she cried.
"I... I... I h... hate... I hate you! You... Sad... cruel...m... monstrous... family breaking... heartless...
Poor Hasari couldn't finish her rant due to her constant sobs.
"What was that dearie? I can't hear you," laughed Zira. She was obviously finding great joy in Hasari's torment.
"GO TO HELL!" she screamed.
Kuuma walked to Hasari's sobbing form and nuzzled her.
She hugged him tightly and cried in his mane.
"She lied to me," she whispered.
"It's okay Hasari, I'm here. Don't cry it's going to be okay," said Kuuma stroking her fur.
"Hah being in love is worst than having a heart disease," hollered Zira.
"Maybe that's why Scar never loved you," smirked Kiara.
"You little slut!" She screamed walking up to Kiara with menacing steps.
"Touch her and it's the last thing you'll ever do," snarled Kovu stepping in front of his love.
"I'd like to see you try," she challenged.
"Touch her and see," he said shrugging his shoulders.
Zira smirked and walked back to where she previously stood.
"That's what I thought," said Kovu smugly.
"I know exactly what I'm doing, my soldiers are outside waiting for me. All I have to do is give the word and you're all dead," she shrieked.
"It's true she does have an army and they're dangerous," said Kovu warily.
"How do you know all this Kovu?" asked Simba suspiciously.
"Why you didn't tell them?" hollered Zira wickedly.
"Tell us what?" questioned Nala.
"Kovu knew about my existence but he never told anyone,"
"WHAT!" roared Simba.
Kovu was dreading this and now he had to come clean.
"Before you yell at me, let me explain," pleaded Kovu.
"Explain what?! How you didn't tell me that my worst enemy was alive?" he snarled.
"Simba I…
"No Kovu not another word out of you. You're going to be in a lot of trouble young lion,"
"I said not another word. You…
Everyone even Zira was taken aback.
"I knew of Zira's existence yes. But she blackmailed me and said if I don't want anyone to know, of have to bring her food everyday," Kovu said exhausted.
"Oh well why didn't you say that in the first place?" asked Simba.
Kovu groaned disgustedly and turned to face Zira.
"Well that was interesting," she said smiling.
"Shut up you bitch! I'm sick of hearing your nasty ass mouth," snarled Kiara.
"Kiara?" asked Nala horrified at her daughter's choice of words.
"Why you little wretch!" Zira hissed advancing upon Kiara.
"Get away from my mate this instant you bitch!" shouted Kovu standing in front of Kiara protectively.
"Move out of my way!" she screamed.
"If you want to get to Kiara you're gonna have to go through me first," Kovu smirked.
"And me," said Vitani walking up.
"And me," Marisa also came on board.
"Don't leave me out of the fun," Hasari chimed in.
"Hasari you're helping us?" asked Kiara smiling.
"Let's just say I'm sick of being her pawn. I'm ending this right here and now," Hasari smiled back.
"Well if my beautiful mate is going to stand up to her ex mother, I'll be with her every step of the way," Kuuma got up and stood next to Hasari.
"If you hurt my brother, you'll regret it. So I'd better be here to prevent it from happening," Mauagi walked up and stood beside Kuuma.
"Unfortunately for you, my mate is also here to help me out," cackled Zira.
"And your mate is?" asked Simba.
"Why me of course," chuckled an evil voice.
Suddenly dark thunderclouds laced the sky and lightning flashed as a figure stepped onto the platform.
Kiara screamed.
Nala gasped.
Simba's face turned ash white.
Hasari sucked in a breath.
Vitani hissed.
Marisa glared.
Kovu snarled.
And everyone else stood in a sickening silence.
After all these years of peace and blessings after the drought when the great King Mufasa passed away, peace and blessings will end abruptly. All because of the appearance of the Pride Lands' worst nightmare. A lion who made everyone's life hell has returned to once again conduct a reign of terror.
No one saw it coming. No one thought they'd live to see the day when Scar would return to the Pride Lands.

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