The new girl

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Song: The Monster by Eminem feat, Rihanna.


Dua's POV

"Dua! Have you talked to the new neighbors yet?" my mom yelled from downstairs. I was upstairs in my room drawing some things.

"No I haven't mom." I yelled back, taking my earphones out so I could hear her clearer.

"You should go meet them and help them carry the boxes. I'll welcome them later." my mom yelled back. I sighed and stood up from my bed. I walked down the stairs and out the front door.

I saw a moving van parked in front of the new neighbor's door and a woman who looked my mom's age. I walked a little closer and approached the woman.

"Hi ma'am. I'm Dua. Me and my parents live next door." I said, politely. The woman turned to me and gave me a bright smile.

"Hi! I'm Emily! It's nice to meet you Dua!" the woman said a little overexcited.

"It's nice to meet you too Emily. Can I help with the boxes?" I smiled back at her.

"That would be amazing, dear. Can you take that one and take it to the living room?" Emily pointed to a box and then to the door of their new house.

I nodded and caried the box inside. Emily came in with a box too.

"Lyndsey! Come downstairs for a minute!" Emily yelled. She went to what I think was the kitchen.

I heard a faint groan and footsteps coming down the stairs. A girl that looked my age came down the stairs. She had long blonde hair and the sides of her head were shaved. She looked so pretty. Wait? What am I thinking about? I have a boyfriend.

I noticed I was staring at her and looked down at the ground.

"Hi. I'm Lyndsey but you can call me Lynn." I heard a soft voice say. I looked up and saw that the girl was smiling at me.

I smiled back. "Hi. I'm Dua."

Lynn smiled again and I had to be careful that I wouldn't stare again.

"Are you staying over for diner Dua?" Emily walked back into the room.

"I'll first go ask my mom." I said, starting to walk to the door. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around again.

"Are you gonna be okay walking back home alone. It's already dark outside." Lynn said with a serious expression on her face.

"Are you serious? I literally live next door." I laughed. She started laughing too. Her laugh was the most heavenly sound I had ever heard. I walked out the door and she waved. I waved back and smiled. She's so cute.

No Dua. She's not. She's just pretty. She's just a friend. I shook my head and walked into the living room of my own house.

"Mom! The neighbors asked me if I wanted to stay over for diner. Is that alright?" I yelled, walking to the kitchen to find my mom. She was there and she didn't answer. Great. I looked at the kitchen table and saw that there was a not on it.

It said:

Hey honey,
I got a call from my boss and he asked me to come help him with something. I don't know when I'll be home. You can order some pizza for diner if you want.

Love, Mom.

Well that's just fucking great. Now I'm alone again. I can go eat diner with Lynn and Emily but after that I'm alone again. This always happens on Saturdays. Mom leaves me alone and dad is almost always on a business trip. I'm pretty sure that my mom is having and affair with her boss. Dad wouldn't know. He's always gone. Don't get me wrong, I love ny parents but I would just be better of without them.

People at school think I'm the perfect girl with the perfect grades but that's not what I am at all. My life is miserable. I am miserable. My parents don't care about me, I have a really hard time studying.

I ran upstairs to get my phone and looked through my window. Lynn was sitting on a bed in what I thought was her bedroom. Our windows were opposite of each other. Lynn had a sad look on her face.

I tapped on my window and Lynn looked up. I waved at her and she waved back with a slight smile on her face. I quickly grabbed a pen and some paper and wrote that I was going to go back to Lynn's house after I took a quick shower because I stank. I held it up for Lynn to read and she chuckled and gave me a thumbs up.

I felt like I could be myself and make the jokes I wanted to make around Lynn. She made me feel comfortable even though I only met her like 10 minutes ago. I took my shower and got dressed in a pair of ripped black jeans, a pink shirt and some old converses. I guess I'll go to Lynn's house again then.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of School Sucks. My first language isn't English so I'm sorry if there are any errors. Let me know if you find some. Thanks for reading this first chapter! It may take a while for me to publish new chapters because of school.


School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now