Ding dong

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Song: Pretty Girl by Haykey Kiyoko aka Lesbian Jesus.


Ding dong

I heard the bell and ran downstairs. I opened the door and saw Josh. I kinda hoped it would be Lynn even though I just said bye to her. I really hope she will hang out with me today. I don't know why she suddenly didn't want to hang out anymore. Was she jealous bacause I said Josh was coming over?

"Hey babe." Josh said. He leaned in to kiss me. I turned my head so he just kissed my cheek.

"Hey Josh." I said back.

"What's going on? What did you want to talk about?" he said, looking a little sad that I didn't kiss him.

"We'll go upstairs. I'll tell you there."

He smirked. "No not like that." I immediately said. I wouldn't even though want to think about doing anything with him. His smirk faded which made me smile. We went up stairs and sat down on my bed.

"So.... I..I don't know how to say this but....uhm..." I mumbed, I really wanted to break up him but I also didn't want to hurt him. "Just say it babe."

"I can't do this anymore. I'm breaking up with you."

"What? Are you fucking kidding me?" he yelled. He shot up and grabbed my arm, yanking me up too.

"Josh please. I mean it."

"You know what?! I don't fucking care that you are breaking up with me. I just asked you to be my girlfriend because I wanted go get into your pants. There's no other reason. I don't love you at all. You're an ugly piece of shit but I think you already know that. Oh yeah I was also cheating on you with Mary." he yelled. What? Was he cheating on me with my best friend?

"What!? You motherfucker! You're just a fucking douche bag." I yelled in his face.

His face turned red and slapped me again and again and again. He didn't stop. I heard someone yell and he got pulled of of my. I started crying.

"GET THE FUCK OUT AND NEVER COME BACK YOU ASSHOLE!" a familiar voice yelled. I came out more of a growl than a yell. I opened my eyes and saw Lynn standing over me. She helped me up and pulled me in a hug. I hugged her back as tightly as possible. I cried on her shoulder and she held me 'till I finally stopped. She didn't talk. She just stayed quiet and let me cry. After a while she spoke up.

"Are you okay Dua?" she whispered.

"Yes. I'm okay now. I broke up with him and he got mad at me. He told me he was cheating on me with my best friend. I'm so glad we're over." I said, wiping the tears from my eyes. Lynn rubbed my back and gave me another hug.

"You'll be okay." Lynn said, smiling at me. We just stared at each other for some time. I heard the front door slam shut and someone entering the house.

I looked away and blushed.

"You're cute when you blush." Lynn said. I laughed.

"You're only making me blush more." I said, burying my face in my hands. She took my hands and pulled them away from my face.

"Stop covering your pretty face." she said, laughing. Okay, she was definitely flirting right now. I looked at my hands in her hands. This felt so right. I looked back up and saw that Lynn was looking at me. I stared into her eyes and got lost in them.

"Dua! Are you there?" my mom yelled from downstairs. Shit. Lynn and I were just having a moment. Of course my mom has to ruin it again. Lynn quickly took a step back.

"Yes mom! I'm upstairs!" I yelled back. I heard footsteps on the stairs. My mom opened my bedroom door and came inside.

"Dua, your fathe..." she stopped talking when she saw Lynn.

"Hello. Who are you?" she asked. I knew my mom wasn't going to like Lynn very much because of her hair, her nose piercing and her tattoos. I never asked about her tattoos but I saw them. I'm definitely gonna ask her if there is a meaning behind them. I don't understand why my mom has to be so difficult about everything.

Lyndsey stood upfrom the bed and walked to my mom to shake her hand.

"Hello ma'am. I'm Lynn. I live next door." Lynn said. She smiled at my mom but didn't get a smile in return. She stepped back a little towards me.

My mom looked her up and down with a disgusted look on het face.

"Dua, can I talk to you for a minute?" my mom said. I nodded and followed her out of the room after I told Lyndsey to stay in my room. My mom let me to the living room. I was alone woth her now.

You wouldn't believe how much I hate being alone with her.......

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Why do you think Dua doesn't want to be alone with her mom? I love you guys! Bye!


School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now