She's a vampire

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The next day.

Lynn's POV

"Lyndseeeeeeeyyyyyyy! I don't want to go to school!" Dua yelled. I laughed as I pulled her out of her bed and pushed her to the bathroom.

After we left school yesterday and talked, I drove back home. Me and Dua watched a movie in her room and then I went home. I promised that I would take her to school with my mom's car so now I'm trying to get her out of her bed.

"Get ready! We're leaving in 10 minutes." I yelled before closing the bathroom door. I sat on her bed and waited for a while.

After a few minutes she came out of the bathroom, still in her pajamas.

She walked over to her closet and started changing in fron of me.

"Fuck." I muttered unde rmy breath, looking down at my hands. I stood up and walked to the door of her bedroom.

"Where are you going?" she asked. I turned around but looked away almost immediately.

She saw that and laughed. "You can look. Don't worry." she said, continuing to dress herself.

I finally had the courage to look at her. My breath caught in my throat as she pulled her pants up.

I turned around and bumped into the door with my head. I stumbled backwards and heard Dua laugh a little.

"Fuck." I whisper yelled. I felt arms wrap around me.

"Are you okay? You dumb ass." she said.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I mumbled.

I stood up straight (A/N: or gay. I'm always gonna make this joke :) ) and turned to face Dua.

She gave me a peck on my lips and put her shirt on, dragging me downstairs.

She told me about her mom and everything that happened. I felt like in some way this was all my fault. If I didn't come to her house to save her from Josh than her mom wouldn't have seen me and she wouldn't have left.

"Lynn, are you okay? Does your head still hurt." Dua asked, the concern noticeable in her eyes.

"Dua, I'm a vampire remember." I said, smiling.

She shrugged an walked to the kitchen, eating some cereal.

"Don't you need to feed?" she asked with a mouth full of cereal.

"Yeah, kind of. I mean, I don't need to right now but eventually I will." I said, laughing as some milk ran down her chin.

"Don't make fun of me." she said, wiping it off and pouting.

"Come on. We're gonna be late for school!" I yelled, pulling Dua's arm.

"Fuck, give me a few more minutes. We'll be fine." Dua yelled.

I smirked and pretended to think.

"I'll wait for a few more minutes if I get a kiss." I smirked.

"Okay then." she mumbled, walking over to me and pressing her lips to mine.

"Okay, so five more minutes." I laughed as Dua pulled away. She hugged me and walked over to the kitchen counter, pouring another bowl of cereal.

"Oh god." I mumbled, also walking over to the kithen counter and sitting down on it.

"I swear, if your fat ass breaks the counter!" Dua yelled, playfully punching your shoulder.

"I'm not that heavy, babe." I said, laughing.

"Continue calling me babe and you can break my counter without me being mad." Dua said, giggling.

I chuckled and pulled her closer to me. She stood between my legs and wrapped her arms around my waist.

I kissed her and wrapped my arms around her neck, running my hands through her hair.

"Dua, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" I asked her, looking into her eyes.

"Y-yes! Of course I want to be your girlfriend!" Dua yelled, throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me tightly.

"Okay, but now we really need to go to school. We're gonna be late!" I yell, pushing Dua out the door.

My mom let me borrow her car to drive to school today. We both get in and I immediately start driving. It's my second day and I'm already going to be late.

I park in front of the school and get out. I open Dua's door and she gets out too.

"Wow, such a gentlewoman." Dua said, giggling. I chuckled and pulled her into the school. The bell rang right as we stepped inside.

We looked at each other and Dua gave me a peck on my lipd before walking away. I smiled to myself and headed to class. Hell, here I come.

Hey guysssss! Thanks for reading this chapter and all that stuff. I just realised that I always say the same thing in every chapter and it's probably so boring so I'm gonna try not to do that anymore. 😂 Okay, byeeeeeeee.

~Kvrstvn, the big fat turd.

School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now