Dream or not?

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"W-what are you t-talking about?" you mumbled, pulling your sheets a little over your face.

"It's okay Dua. It'll all be clear soon." the figure said. It turned around, walked to a corner of my room and disappeared in the darkness. I just stared at the corner where it disappeared and tried to figure out what just happened.

Was this just all another dream? Am I going to wake up now or is this real? Did some demon just really talk to me? A lot of questions were going through your head but you didn't know the answers to any of them. I didn't want to but I eventually drifted off to sleep again.


Puuuuuuuttt puuuuuuuttt

I woke up and immediately sat up on my bed. I turned the annoying alarm off and rubbed my eyes.

I didn't get much sleep because of the weird experience I had last night. I still don't know what that was. The only thing that I was sure of was that everything that happened yesterday was weird. Lynn's wound mysteriously disappearing, Bullet kind of waving at me and the thing that visited me at night.

I just decided to get up so that I wasn't late at school. I got ready and went downstairs.

"Mom?" I said, looking around.

Oh yeah, I forgot. She's never coming back.

I ate my breakfast and grabbed my bag, walking out the door and locking it behind me. My mom couldn't drive me to school now so I had to walk every day. Uhhhhhh.

I heard someone honk and looked behind me. "Mom! Drive!" I heard someone yell.

The car slowed down and drove next to me.

"Hi Dua! Do you need a ride to school?" Lynn's mom yelled excitingly. Lynn was sitting next to her in the passengers seat and was angrily glaring at her.

"Uhm. I don't know. You don't need to do this. It's not far to just walk." I said, shrugging.

"No honey! You can just ride with us! Get in! Lynn go sit with Dua in the backseat." Lynn's mom excitedly yelled.

"Mom, why are you always so exited?" Lynn mumbled, getting into the backseat. I sat down next her and Lynn's mom began to drive.

"Look Lynn, I'm sorry about what I said yesterday. I shouldn't have said that. I didn't mean it." I whispered, turning ny body to Lynn.

"No Dua. I won't be in your life anymore. This is the last time we're gonna talk. Ever. You can't change my mind. I'm bad for you." Lynn whispered back, avoiding looking me in the eyes.


"There's no but Dua. This is it. Accept it."

I tought about the figure in my room again and why it was there. The voice that said to not throw away this friendship.

"We're here! Have a good day guys!" Lynn's mom yelled more edited than ever. Why did she have so much energy?

Lynn and I got out of the car. Before I could stop her or say something she walked off into the school and into the crowd of people that were there. I sighed and walked in too.

I couldn't find her anymore so I just went to my first class of the day. English. Uhhhh. This is going to be a long day.


Lunch time.

I walked over to the cafeteria and sat down on the table I always sit on.

"Hey Dua!" my friend Hayley yelled from behind me. Hayley has been one of my best friends since we were really little.

"Hey Hays! How's it going?" I said, scooting over so that Hayley could sit next to me.

"Normal I guess. How are you and Josh?" Hayley asked.

I thought about everything that happened and sighed. "We broke up. I'm not in love with him anymore and he apparently cheated on me with Mary."

"What?! Oh god. Dua, I'm so sorry for asking. I was just curious. I'm not really good with all these feelings but I'm sorry. I swear I'm going to kill him." Hayley rambled, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay Hays. I'm okay." I said, nodding at her. She nodded back.

"I'm still going to kill him." Hayley laughed. I laughed too and punched Hayley's arm.

I heard some yelling and looked behind me. My other friends were running towards the table. There was Devon, Matthew and Jody.

"Hey guys!" Devon yelled, pecking Hayley on her cheek, sitting down next to her. Matthew and Jody sat down in front of you.

"Hey babe." Hayley said, looking at Devon. They looked at each other for a few seconds before Matthew started laughing.

"Hey! Lovebirds! Stop staring! You're being to gay." he playfully yelled.

"Fuck you." Devon said, flipping him off. We all began laughing.

"So Dua, I heard that things between you and Josh aren't going well." Devon said. Hayley kicked her in her ribs and she screamed. "Ow, what was that for?"

"It's okay Hayley. Josh and I broke up but it's fine. I broke up with him. He was cheating on me with Mary." I explained again.

"Mary?! Wow, didn't see that one coming." Jody said. I nodded.

"Okay so I'm going to change the topic. I heard you have a new neighbor." Matthew said. I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

I explained everything to my friends and they listened patiently.

"It's weird that that wound just disappeared. You should try to ask her about that again." Jody said. I nodded at her.

"That actually really sucks." Devon said, raising her eyebrow.

"I know."

Hey guys! So, I'm back!!! I have two weeks off so I'm going to try to update this story more. Thanks for reading this story! I love you guys! Bye!!


School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now