Winky Face

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Song: Ghost by Halsey


I guess she did. Why am I making such a big deal of this? It's just a winky face. It's not like she was flirting or anything. But what if she was?

I decided to just stop thinking about it and go to sleep.

The next morning.

I woke up from the sound of my alarm going off. My mom was probably not home yet. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in my bed. I looked through my window and saw Lynn sitting on her bed with a guitar in hand. Her lips were moving so I guess she was singing. What would they feel like on mine. Oh no. Nope. Not thinking about that. I have a fucking boyfriend. But Lynn's so nice and hot and.. Uuuuhhhh! I groaned and flopped down on my bed again. What am I going to do? I've only known Lynn for like a day but she's so amazing.

I don't even know if I like Josh anymore. He's an asshole. I shouldn't have said yes when he asked me to be his girlfriend a year ago. Ever since I said yes he's been different. He hasn't been that nice anymore. Usually he'd always pick me up from the school. A month after he asked me he didn't do that anymore. He just left me in the rain. I called and texted him a hundred times asking were he was but he never responded. I had to walk all the way to my house because for some weird reason my best friend Mary wouldn't pick up her phone either. I just let it go and had gone on my way home. They both didn't text me back 'till the next day. They both said they were sick. Am I missing something obvious? I probably am. I'm always.

I should just break up with him. I know now that I don't like him anymore. We're not meant to be together.

Hey Josh! Can we meet up? I need to talk to you.

Yeah, sure. Were?

Just come over to my house.

Okay. I'll be there in ten.

I put my phone down and rubbed my eyes again. I saw that Lynn was looking at me and waved. She waved back woth a huge smile on her face. I took my phone again.

Hey! Goodmorning.

Dua, it's 3pm.

Oh. I just woke up. :)

Yeah, about that. I heard you snoring. :)

Haha. Very funny.

So what are we gonna do today?

Idk. I'll let you know later. My boyfriend is coming over now.



I looked up from my phone and saw that Lynn was just staring at her phone. I texted her again.

Lynn? Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm fine. My mom just asked me something.

I didn't see her come into your room.

I'm sorry. I'm just not feeling so well. I don't think I can go out today.

What? Are you sure? I really wanna go do something with you Lynn.

I'll let you know if I can.

Okay. I hope we can go.

We'll see. ;)

Are you fucking kidding me. What is it with Lynn and her winky faces?

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Leave a comment and vote! It keeps me motivated to continue this story.

I also just wanted to say that you can ignore everything I sais in the introduction. Not everything I said there is really gonna be like that.

I love you guys! Bye!


School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now