Perfectly Imperfect

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Song: Things you do by Love, Robot


Dua's POV

"Lynn are you okay?" I put my hand on her shoulder and shook her a little when I saw that she began to cry. She was just staring at nothing with a blank expression on her face. She didn't even seem to notice that she was crying.

She snapped out of it and looked at me. She realised that she was crying and quickly wiped her eyes.

"Oh god. I'm sorry you had to see that. I was just thinking about the band and stuff." she mumbled.

"It's okay. You can always talk to me if you want." I said, helping her up.

"We should go home now. If you don't want to go home then we can just go to my house." she said. I nodded and we walked back to Lynn's house. She opened the door and let me inside.

"Mom! Can you come here for a sec?!" Lynn yelled. We were currently in her living room.

"Sure honey. I'll be over in a minute." her mom yelled back from upstairs.

Lynn turned her attention back to me and smiled. "She's probably taking a shit." she said, laughing.

"Ewww okay. I didn't need to know that." I said, making a disgusted face.

"Another thing you need to know about me is that when I say stuff like this then I'm always just kidding." Lynn said, walking over to the couch and almost tripping over what seemed like another cat toy on the ground. She looked at it and picked it up.

She sighed. "Bullet, I'm gonna fucking kill you." she mumbled. It was so quiet that I almost didn't hear her say it. But I did which caused me to burst out in laughter and almost roll on the ground like a maniac. Lynn looked so serious when she said that and seeing her trip was something that I was never going to forget.

"Haha. Very funny. You're just as much of an asshole as Bullet is." Lynn playfully said.

"Lyndsey Gunnulfsen! Language! I don't think you want me to take away your phone and instruments again do you?" Lynn's mom popped up behind Lynn, almost making her scream.

"Mom, you need to stop scaring me like that. You're gonna be the reason I die." Lynn said, flopping down on the couch and patting the spot next to her. I walked over and sat down too.

"So mom, can Dua stay over tonight? She has some issues at home and she'll be more comfortable if she stayed here." Lynn explained to her mom.

"Yes, of course. You're always welcome here Dua. You're a very nice girl." Lynn's mom said, giving me a warm smile and raising her eyebrows at Lynn? What was that for. I looked at Lynn and saw that she was blushing. I smiled back. "Thank you." I said.

"You should go to sleep. It's late and you have school tomorrow." her mom said, getting up from the couch and giving us both a hug.

Lynn led me upstairs and opened her door, letting me go in first.

I looked around and saw a lot of band posters on the walls. Paramore, Panic! At The Disco, Twenty Øne Piløts, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Lights and a lot more. I knew most of them but some I didn't know.

"I know. I'm an very cynical emo." lynn said, laughing when she saw I was looking at the posters. I laughed too.

Lynn went over to her dresser and gave me a shirt and some sweatpants to sleep in.

"Are you going to be okay in here?" Lynn asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm going to go downstairs and sleep on the couch. It's okay. You can sleep here." Lynn said, looking a little sad.

"No, you can just sleep here too. I don't bite." you said, playfully punching her arm.

She laughed and mumbled something that I didn't hear. She was looked at the ground.

Lynn's POV

"But I do bite."

Hey guys! That last sentence it not supposed to be sexual or something but just mysterious I guess. You'll figure out what Lynn meant by that.
The gay is coming. Don't worry. I'm going to try and publish one chapter every week. Love you guys! Bye!


School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now