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Dua's POV

"Dua, I'm a vampire."


Is she serious? This would explain everything but she can't be serious. Can she? Vampires aren't real. They don't exist.

"I'm serious Dua. Vampires do exist." Lynn said.

"Did I say that out loud?"

"Uhm, no. I kind of can read your mind. It's a vampire thing. I first didn't want to tell you 'cause I didn't want to put you in danger." Lynn explained.

I grabbed her hand and lifted up her chin. "What danger?"

"We have these masters and when they find out we told a human about vampires than they might torture or kill us." Lynn explained, looking away again.

"Why did you tell me than? You're putting yourself in danger for me."

"I couldn't stand you being mad at me and not talking to me. I-I... I tried to stay away and ignore you but I just couldn't. I'm sorry. Please just don't tell anyone about this."

"Lynn, I-I...don't know what to say. I mean, thank you for trusting me and telling me. If I didn't ask what was wrong than you wouldn't have to tell me and you wouldn't put yourself in dange-" I rambled.

Lynn cut me off by.....kissing me. She's kissing me. She's actually kissing me. I quickly kissed back.

Lyndsey pulled away and got up, nervously walking around.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Please, just don't tell anyone. It's okay. It was my decision to tell you." Lynn mumbled.

I grabbed her hand to stop her from walking and pulled her down to sit next to me again.

"Lyndsey, it's okay. I won't tell anyone. Maybe we should talk about what just happened"

"Uhm, yeah. I didn't mean to do that. It was just to shut you up." Lynn mumbled.

"Are you sure? I-I actually think I like you." I said. I didn't know where I got the courage to say this but I just did.

Lynn stared at me in shock.

"U...uhm....I-uh-I like you too." Lynn stuttered. In the few days I knew her I had never seen her this nervous.

I leaned in to kiss her again. I felt her smile in the kiss and she wrapped her arms around your waist. Your lips moves against each other in a passionate kiss. She pulled away and rested her forehead on yours.

"Don't leave me." I said, stroking her cheek.

"I won't."



Hey guys! Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I'm sorry it kinda sucked and it was short. See you in the next chapter.


School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now