Don't tell

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Dua's POV


I smile as I sit down next to Hayley and Devon. Matthew and Jody weren't there yet.

I ate my food as I looked around the lunch room. I saw Lynn walk in with two girls. I think their names were Taylor and Jenna but I was not sure.

Lynn looked my way and I smiled at her. She smiled back and waved a little.

Lynn, Jenna and Taylor stood at the door talking for a bit.

Matthew and Jody arrived and sat down in front of us.

"So Dua? How are things going with the weirdo neighbor." Devon asked. Hayley elbowed her.

"Why do you always ask these questions so rudely?" Hayley said. She turned to me and smiled. "How are things going with Lyndsey?" she asked.

"Well, we talked yesterday and we're good. She kissed me and we're girlfriends." I said.

Hayley, Devon, Matthew and Jody's eyes widened in shock.

"Omg! I always knew you didn't only like boys!" Devon yelled.

Matthew sighed and gave Jody 20 dollars. Jody pulled it out of his hand and gave him an evil smile. Matthew saw that I was looking and rolled his eyes.

"We made a bet that you and Lyndsey would get together. I honestly really didn't think it would happen but I'm happy for you." Matthew said, patting my shoulder from across the table.

I laughed and smacked his hand away.

"So, did she explain why her wound disappeared and all that?" Jody asked.

"Yeah, we talked about it and she said that that was normal for a vampire." I responded.

Fuck. No, I didn't just do that. No, no, no, no, no! NO!

"Wait, what? A vampire?" Hayley said.

My friends looked at me like I was crazy. "Is she a vampire? Do they even exist?" Devon asked.

I couldn't deny it now. I had to tell them.

"Yeah, she is a vampire but don't tell anyone. It's really dangerous! She told me they have these masters and if they find out a vampire told a human about what they are, they will kill the vampire. Just keep your mouth shut." I said.

They all nodded except for Matthew. He just stared at the table without blinking.

"Matt? Are you okay?" Hayley asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

He flinched a little and looked at her. "Yeah, yeah. I-I'm f-fine." he stuttered.

"I-I gotta go." Matthew stood up, grabbing his bag and walking out of the lunch room.

What was that all about?

Matthew's POV

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I should have known she was going to tell someone. This time she isn't going to get away. Believe me. I will do anything to get her killed. I will tell them.

They won't be happy with her.

Hey guys! Sorry this was a shorter chapter! The next one will be longer! Thanks for reading! See you in the next chapter.

~Kvrstvn, who identifies as a granny with a pillow in her hand that's sitting in a helicopter on top of a McDonalds somewhere on Mars where the workers are aliens.

I have no idea what that was.

School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now