Fruit snacks up your ass

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Song: Clarity by Zedd feat. Foxes


My phone rang. It was my mom. I hesitantly look at my phone. Lynn gabbed my hand and nodded. I looked into her eyes and immediately felt better. I prepared myself for the yelling that I was about to hear and picked up the phone.

"Dua! Where are you? Are you okay?" my mom yelled like I expected.

"I'm okay mom. Lynn found me. I don't care what you have to say about her. I love her and you will not take that away from me." I said sternly. I then realised that I said that I loved Lynn. Lynn seemed to notice too because she blushed and looked at the ground.

"Dua honey, I'm sorry for being so mean and screaming at you. I never should have hit you. I'm so sorry."

"You weren't sorry when you hit me yesterday. And the day before then and before then. I could go on like this for hours. Goodbye." I ended the call and put my phone on silent. I put it in pocket. Tears were streaming down my face again but I didn't seem to notice or even care at all.

Lynn pulled me into another hug and held me until I stopped crying.

"Lynn? Why didn't you want to hang out anymore when I told you I was gonna talk to my boyfriend?" I asked, curious for the answer.

"I-I don't know. I guess I was just jealous." she admitted.

I giggled and placed a kiss on her cheek. She started to tickle me and I fell to the ground. It was snowing so I rolled in the snow.

"Lynn! Stop it! Stoooopp!" I yelled and tried to get her hands of me. Eventually she stopped and helped me stand up.

"Now I'm wet. Asshole." I muttered under my breath.

Lynn began laughing and I didn't know why. "What did you just say?" she laughed. I thought about what I just said and still didn't understand. Lynn just shrugged it off. "Also, did you call me an asshole?! Do you want me to tickle you again?" Lynn laughed.

"Don't you dare!" I yelled. Lynn laughed and picked me up, throwing me over her shoulder. She ran away from the bridge to another place. I punched her back, telling her to put me down but she didn't even budge one tiny bit. She had to be some kind of invincible robot.

She came to a stop and put me back down. I sighed and glared at her. She chuckled and pointed behind me. I turned around and what I saw was mesmerizing.

There was a tiny bridge over a river that was half frozen since it was so cold. You could see lights shining through the windows of the houses around the little river.

(A/N: I'm sorry of the picture doesn't work

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(A/N: I'm sorry of the picture doesn't work. I described it in the story so it's okay.)

I gasped at the sight in front of me and looked back at Lynn. She was smiling at me.

"I knew you would like this." she said, pushing me to the bridge. The sun was going down and the stars were starting to come out. I could already saw a little part of the moon.

Lynn and I sat down on the bridge and I rested my head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arm around my waist and kissed my head.

We talked about everything we could think of. Our dreams, what we wanted to be when we were done with school, how much school sucked and a lot more.

I learned a lot more about Lynn. She told me she was in a band called PVRIS before she moved. She told me about her bandmates Brian, Alex and Justin and how much she missed them. Her life seemed so perfect. She was so talented. She could play guitar, drums, piano and on top of that she also could sing really well.

When she was younger she wanted to be a graphic designer but she decided to do something with music instead. She also told me she could give tattoos.

We told some more funny stories to each other and we both almost died of laughter.

Lynn told me a story about when she was little her mom was going to take a shower so she gave Lynn some fruit snacks. Lynn was bored so she shoved the fruit snacks up her ass.

That was definitely weird but you're starting to know Lynn. She just is weird. But a beautiful weird.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I had to tell the story about the fruit snacks because come on we all know that it's hilarious. Thanks for reading! I love you guys!


School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now