Don't go

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Dua's POV

School was over and Lynn gave me a ride back home. I asked if she wanted to come in and she said yes.

We were currently sitting on the couch in the living room, watching a movie.

I was laying on Lynn's lap with my head as she was playing with my hair.


"Yes babe?"

"I need to tell you something and I was so stupid for doing it. I'm not sure if you're going to ever forgive me but please do." I said, sitting up in her arms.

"What's wrong?" (A/N: hehe.)

"I-I.....I accidentally told my friends about you."

"What did you do?"

"I told my friends about you being a vampire, okay. I'm sorry. They asked if everything was okay between us and before I knew it, I said it. If I could I eould reverse time and do it over." I mumbled.

"You did what?" Lynn said, her voice shaking. She was clearly getting angry. You really didn't want to deal with an angry vampire.

"Who did you tell, Dua? Who?" she asked.

"Uhm...Hayley, Devon, Jody and Matthew. It was just them I swear. They won't tell anyone. They promised."

"Matthew........" Lynn said, looking down at her hands. She sighed and ran her hadns through her hair, getting uo from the couch.

"Fuck!" she yelled.


"Matthew is a vampire too. He's the son of one of the biggest masters." Lynn mumbled. "He'll rat me out immediately. I have to leave, Dua. I have to go. I can't stay here anymore. It's the safest for you. I'm sorry." Lynn said. She came closer and pressed a kiss against your lips.

"I'm so sorry." she whispered, running out of the door at the speed of light.

"Wait! Lynn!" I yelled. Running after her I saw that her front door was open so I went into the house.

I heard her argue with her mom snd the complete silence.

"Lynn?" I asked.

She came out of the kitchen and ran upstairs. I ran after her but when I was there she had already packed most of her stuff that was in her room.

"I'm sorry, Dua but we need to leave this place. It's not safe. Not for us and not for you." Lynn said, her hands were shaking as tears streamed down her face.

She ran back downstairs with two suitcases in her hands and plopped them down on the ground. She opened the door and put them in her mom's car.

Her mom ran out of the house too and threw her own suitcases in.

She turned to me and smiled weakly.

"I'm sorry Dua but we need to leave. They will come find us otherwise." she said, turning and getting in the drivers seat of the car.

Lynn stood there, staring at you. "Why are you staring." you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm trying to remember every single detail on your face so that I never forget you."

A tear rolled down my cheek and eventually fell onto the ground, splashing into a million pieces.

"Don't be sad, Dua. We're going back to Massachusetts. We'll meet again sometime. I promise. This won't be the last time we see each other. I will always have you in my heart even if I'm not with you, I'm in your head and your heart. Don't forget that. You'll be fine without me. Promise you'll be fine." Lynn said, stepping closer and taking my hands in hers. She kissed me one last time.

"I love you Dua."

"I love you too Lynn."

I watched as she drove away.

I waved until she was just a little dot in the distance.

That was the last time I saw her.

Hey guys. I'm literally tearing up rn. I never thought writing would be so emotional. :) I don't know how long this story is going to be but maybe it'll be just a few more chapters. I'm still trying to figure out a good ending. (That will make you cry of course.) I have a little bit of writers block so the next chapter will take me a little longer since I still have to start writing it but I promise it will be up soon.


School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now