I'm a........

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Dua's POV

"Please Lynn. I need to talk to you." I said, letting her arm go.

"About what?" she snapped.

"About everything. Please?" I said, giving her my puppy eyes.

She groaned and looked down. We stood in silence for a few seconds until Lynn looked back up and grabbed my hand, walking through the halls.

"What are you doing?" I asked, very confused.

"You wanted to talk so we're gonna talk." she answered, glancing behind her at me. "We're not going to talk here though. We're going somewhere else."

Lynn dragged me out the door and began walking. Her hand was still in my hand. It felt so right to be near her and to hold her hand.

She saw me looking at your intertwined fingers and quickly pulled away, mumbling a sorry. I chuckled a little. I did want to take her hand back into mine but I didn't. I didn't know how she was going to react and if that reaction wasn't good I didn't know if I could handle that.

We walked for a few minutes until we reached a building that looked like it was abandoned for a long time and was on the edge of collapsing.

"Don't worry. It's not going to collapse. I found this place yesterday and thought we could come here." she explained.

I thought back to yesterday when I saw Lynn leaving and then coming back, covered in what looked like real blood.


I nodded and followed her, going into the building.

"I did some research and found out this was a mental asylum. I don't think that makes you less scared but yeah...." she mumbled.

"Yeah, that definitely doesn't help." I said, looking around.

It literally looked like a haunted asylum in those horror movies. I was pretty sure that it in fact was haunted when I heard a sound somewhere in the building.

"It's okay. There are probably just other people here. There were when I came here last time." Lynn explained. I nodded a little in response.

Wait... She came here yesterday. She came back covered in blood and now she tells me that there were other people here. What did that mean. Did she.......no. She couldn't have. She couldn't have......killed somebody.

It wasn't impossible though. I only knew her for a day! For all I knew she could be a serial killer. She could have led me here to kill me. I tried to push that thought away but it kept swimming in my mind.

"Hey Dua. Are you okay?" Lynn asked, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Yeah, sorry. I just zoned out." Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about how you could be a murderer. No offense.

Lynn grabbed my hand again and led me over to a hole in the wall. There was a fire escape. She sat down and gestured to me to sit down next to her. I did and she turned herself to me.

"So, I guess you want answers?" Lynn asked. I nodded my head for her to go on.

"What I'm going to tell you will probably shock you and you'll never want to see me again but please whatever you do, don't tell anyone else. You'll ruin my life. Please, don't do that." she said. I nodded again.

She looked at her hands in her lap and sighed.

"Dua. I know you saw me with the blood and all and how my wound just completely disappeared. There is a reason for all of that. I also know about the figure in your room. That was Bullet. I know it seems crazy but Bullet isn't a normal cat. She's special. All of us have one." Lynn said.

"All of us? What do you mean by that." I asked, shaking my head in confusion.

"I am not normal, Dua. I'm a.........."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading!! I'm sure some of you already know what Lynn wants to say. Also, don't ask me why I put the fire escape in. If you get that then you'll know what I mean. (For the Lynexa fans 😂)


School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now