Secret Secrets Are Very Secret

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Lynn's POV

When I told Dua about missing my bandmates I wasn't kidding. They were my family. They were the family I chose. The family I never had. When I had to leave Massachusetts I was devastated.
Brian, Alex and Justin were too.

I didn't want to leave because of my mom's stupid job. She always did this. She always chose her job over me.

Pvris was doing really good when we were still together. We already had an album and things were great. We had gone on tour once and it was the best time of my life. I was always happy when I was with my friends.

That was until my mom told me we had to move. She told me 3 months before we moved.

I didn't want to leave, my school grades weren't really good but because the teachers loved me they helped me. I doubted that this was going to be the same at my new school.

I got depressed and for some reason I didn't feel good at all. I didn't know how to actual smile anymore and just put on a fake one. I was very fake happy but Brian, Alex and Justin saw through that because they knew me too well.

They saw that something was wrong with me when I started avoiding them.

One month before we had to move they came over to my house and we watched Netflix in my room all night.

It was the best time with them I had in a long time. I finally felt a little happy until I started thinking about moving and my miserable life that I led.


"Lynn are you okay? You seemed a little down lately. You know you can tell us everything right?" Brian said.

I nodded and had to fight to keep the tears from falling down my cheeks.

"Lynn are you okay?" Alex asked, seeming really worried.

I nodded again and looked down but started to cry.

I looked back up at them and shook my head no.

"I'm not okay."

I told them about how I felt and what was wrong. They didn't say a word and just let me ramble on about my feelings. They occasionally nodded and Justin even wiped a tear away himself.

"I'm sorry you had to go through this Lynn. Is there something else you need to tell us?" Alex asked, rubbing my arm.

"Uhm. Yeah. I-I....I know this is going to be hard on all of us but it's better if I say it now." I said in a shaky voice. There was a short silence. I cleared my throat and looked up at the guys.

"We are moving in a month." I mumbled, trying not to just give up and start to cry like a baby again.

"What? Where?" Brian asked, tears forming in his eyes.

"To Oregon." I said.

There was a silence again.

"That's far away Lynn." Alex said. Brian and Justin were just staring at the ground with a blank expression.

"I know. I'm sorry." I said.

They all sighed and dog piled on me and gave me hugs.

The last day I saw them was the worst. It was very emotional. They tried not to cry and make me laugh but it didn't work. I was losing all I lived for and I didn't know what to do anymore.

The band was going to break up and I was losing my friends.

"You promise you're gonna continue PVRIS and find a new singer right?" I asked them. They hesitantly nodded and hugged me. I didn't want to let them go but I had to.

"Yes, but you have to promise that you'll come back one day Lyndsey." Brian said.

All of them were crying at this point and I hated seeing them like this.

"We'll never forget you Lynn." they all said. We hugged one last time and I walked to the car.

"I'll never forget you guys too. I love you guys." I said, getting into the car and waving at them through the window.

My mom started driving and I waved at them until they were little black dots and they eventually faded into the part of my life that I was now leaving behind. Friends can break your heart too.

My heart that once was a beautiful shining white was now turned into a sickening black. My blood that was bright red turned into a black slime.

I was dead inside.

I was broken.

There was no way back now.

I had to be strong.

For them.

But it was so damn hard.

End flashback

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had to rewrite this because wattpad decided to delete it. I was very pissed off and sad when I wrote this so maybe you kind of see that in my writing. Idk. This chapter was also a really deep chapter so I'm sorry if I made you cry. I doubt that anyone cried though. If you want you can vote and stuff. Thanks for reading guys! I love you!


School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now