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10 years later.

Lynn's POV

"Honey! Are Emily and Aiden ready for school?" I yelled, putting my guitar down and walking out of my studio.

"Yeah, they are!" Dua yelled back from the kitchen. I ran over to the kitchen and gave Dua a kiss, grabbing the kids' hands and running to the car with them.

Emily and Aiden both giggled as I struggled to get my keys out of my pocket.

"Hey! Don't laugh at me you little monsters!" I picked them up and tickled them a little. They giggled loudly as I put them down. Running to the car, they opened the door and jumped in.

I heard laughing behind me and I turned around. Dua was leaning against the doorframe of the front door. I smiled and ran over to her, giving her one last kiss.

"See you tonight." I said, running back over to the car and getting in.

Dua waved at Emily and Aiden as I drove to school with them.

I was so lucky to have these three angels in my life.

Another 40 years later.

We never thought it would end like this. Well, it hasn't ended yet but it will soon.

Dua has been in the hospital for a few weeks. The doctors said she has cancer. The said she has almost no chance of getting through it because of her age.

I was currently holding her hand, sitting next to her while she slept on he hospital bed.


She stirred and opened her eyes. Turning to me, she slightly smiled.

"I love you."

"I...love..you...more." she managed to get out.

I squeezed her hand as a tear ran down my cheek.

Dua closed her eyes. She never opened them again but I was expecting that. The heart monitor beeping. That was the only sound I heard in that moment.

"I promised I was never going to leave you again. I can't live without you." I whispered. I laid down on the bed next to Dua and wrapped my arms around her. "I'll see you soon Dua. I promise." I said as I closed my eyes and drifted off to a whole different world.

Maybe the same world Dua went to.

The end.

Hey guys! This was the real ending of this story. I'm sorry this sucked so much. I didn't really have any ideas for this story anymore but I do have ideas for two different books I'm writing. I would really appreciate it if you checked out my other books. I have another Lynn Gunn book called Mrs Kidnapper and a sequel to that called Mrs Gunnulfsen. I'm probably going to upload a note in this book when I'm going to upload a different story. I hope you enjoyed this book even though it wasn't that good. I love you guys! Thank you so much for the support. Maybe I'll see you in a different book! I honestly don't even know why I called this 'School Sucks'. It is true but the story doesn't have anything to do with it.


School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now