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Song: Out Loud by Gabbie Hanna

This song actually makes me cry everytime I listen to it. 😂


Dua's POV

"Hey! Welcome back!" Lynn said when she opened her front door. I smiled and hugged her. Maybe it was a little bit to soon but honestly I didn't care at that time. Lynn hugged me back soI knew she was okay with it.

"Hi, Dua. I'm glad you're back. You girls can go sit down. Diner is almost ready." Lynn's mom said. Her mom went back into the kitchen and almost fell over what I think was a cat toy. Lynn chuckled and began laughing when she couldn't hold it in anymore. Her laugh sounded so angelic. I noticed I was staring again and started blushing. I quickly said something before Lynn could notice.

"Do you have a cat?" I asked because of the toy on the ground.

"Yeah, I do. Her name is Bullet. She's sleeping in my room now." Lynn answered, taking the toy and putting in on a shelf.

"Why Bullet?" I asked curiously.

"It's kind of funny. My last name is Gunnulfsen but I hate it so I go by Gunn. So if I'm Gunn then my cat is Bullet." Lynn laughed. I laughed too.

"You better introduce me to her some time." I said.

"I will. I promise." Lynn laughed. "Shall we go sit down?"

I nodded and followed Lynn to the kitchen. We sat down and got to know each other better. I heard a door open and close and a voice that said: "Honey! I'm home!" I heard the person laugh.

Lynn chuckled and turned in her chair. "That's my dad. He always does that when he comes home from work." Lyndsey explained.

Her dad came into the room and saw me. He smiled and took of his jacket.

"Dad, this is Dua. She lives next door." Lynn said.

"It's nice to meet you Dua!" her dad said very exited. I smiled. "It's nice to meet you to sir."

"Please call me Bill. I'm not really into that formal shit." he said laughing. I burt out in laughter when I heard Emily yell at him for cursing.

"Bill! I swear if you curse in front of Lynn again I will kick you out of this house after I hit you with a golf club." she yelled. Bill laughed and patted Lynn's shoulder before walking into the kitchen.

"If only my mom knew how many times I've said fuck in my life. It wouldn't be pretty." Lynn said, laughing.

We all ate diner together and got to know each other. Lynn's parents were actually really nice and funny. Not like my parents. They were actually home and cared about Lynn.

I discovered that Lynn was going to go to the same school as me. I just really hope that my 'friends' aren't gonna be mean to her. This happens everytime there is a new student. They make fun of them or even bully them. I won't let that happen this time. Lynn is way to good for that. Nobody deserves to be bullied.

Diner was over and Lynn's parents sat on the couch, watching something on TV.

"I should go home. It's getting late." I told her. Her smile faded a little.

"We can hang out tomorrow if you want." I quickly said. Her face regained her beautiful smile. "Sounds great. Can I- uhm. Can I maybe have your phone number? You don't have to give it to me if you don't want to. I'll just stop talking right now." she rambled. I laughed and held my hand out for her to give me her phone. She did and I put my phone number in it. She smiled and gave me a hug.

"See you tomorrow Gunn. You better keep your promise. I still want to see Bullet." I smiled.

"See you tomorrow Dua!" Lynn said. I said goodbye to Bill and Emily and went home after I waved at Lynn one last time.

I had gone to my room and flopped on my bed. My phone screen lit up and I looked at it. I got a text.

Hey! It's Lynn. I just wanted to say goodnight. :)

Hey! Goodnight then. I can't wait for tomorrow!

Me neither. ;) Goodnight Dua.

Goodnight Lynn.

Oh my fucking god. Did she just send me a winky face?

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next one will be up soon. What do you think will happen the next day? Let me know in the comments. It keeps me motivated! Also, my best internet friend: @sophypoph made a new story and it's really good! It's called Cara. Go check it out! I love you guys! Byeeee!


School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now