Bullet Isn't The Only One Who Bites

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Dua's POV

Okay, now I was really curious about what Lynn mumbled. I heard the word 'bite' but that was all.

I wanted to ask her but she threw me some clothes to sleep in and went to the bathroom to change.

I suddenly felt something against my leg and looked down.

Oh my fucking flying unicorns.

It's Bullet! Lynn's cat that she wanted to kill.

I expected it to be like a really big, cool cat but it was just a little blackish ball of fur. She had really big blue eyes.

(A/N: Here have another picture

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(A/N: Here have another picture. I'm feeing fancy today. Also, the cat's eyes were originally brown but I made them blue. I call that magic. It's sooooo cuuuteeee. 😂😂)

Bullet ran around your legs and made cute little noises. Awww. She was so cute.

Lynn came out of the bathroom and Bullet ran towards Lynn.

Lynn got scared when Bullet jumped and she screamed.

"Omg. I swear to god. I am going to fucking murder you!" she yelled.

"Lyndsey! Language!" her mom yelled from downstairs. I was laughing so hard by now. Lynn just glanced at me and picked Bullet up. Bullet started squirming and she wanted to jump out of Lynn's hands but she couldn't.

I was still laughing but heard Lynn scream again. Bullet jumped down to the ground and blood dripped down too.

I looked up at Lynn and saw that she was holding her hand.

"Fuck." she muttered.

"Lyndsey?! Are you okay?" I ran to her and grabbed her hand, examining it.

I pulled her to the bathroom and pushed her inside. I told her to sit on the counter.

"Dua, you really don't need to do this. It's fine. It'll heal." Lynn protested.

I gave her a look and grabbed her hand to clean the wound but......there was no wound. What the fuck? There was a bleeding wound there just a second ago.

"Lyndsey? W-what's going on?" I said, staring at her hand.

"Dua, just drop it okay. It's way to complicated. I'm not normal. I don't want you to get involved with me anymore. I'm only bad for you and I don't want to hurt you. I don't even know what I'm capable of." Lynn said, pulling her hand back and walking out of the bathroom. I stood there in shock for a few seconds.

School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now