Yep, I'm gay

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Dua's POV

Me and my friends talked for a while. I looked around the lunch room and saw Lyndsey walk in.

I watched as she sat down alone at a table. I realised that that table was the table Josh, Mary and their other asshole friends sat at. I wanted to warn Lynn but I was still mad at her.

Before I could stand up Josh, Mary and five others walked up to Lynn. She looked up at them, looking very annoyed.

I saw them say something to her and she shook her head no, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Just fucking move bitch! This is our table! You don't want to get on my bad side." Josh yelled at Lynn.

Everyone in the lunch room was watching the scene. They were whispering and some laughing.

Lynn stood up and stepped closer to Josh. "Yeah, 'cause I'm going to do that after what you did to Dua." she sarcastically said, crossing her arms again.

"That is none of your business." Josh said, stepping closer to Lynn. He was clearly getting really angry at her.

"It is my business when you're cheating on my friend. You didn't have to slap her." Lynn said through clenched teeth.

"She was a bitch for breaking up with me.
I thought we were happy together." Josh said.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You were cheating on her you asshole." Lynn yelled throwing her hands in the air.

"Mr. Anderson, Miss William and Miss Gunnulfsen. Go to the principal please." a teacher yelled from across the room. He walked over to them and dragged Lyndsey, Josh and Mary away. I wanted to go after them but knew I couldn't.

My friends saw me watching the scene. "Are you okay Dua?" Matthew asked. I nodded and watched as Lyndsey, Josh and Mary walked away.

Lynn's POV

"So, tell me what happened." the principal said, crossing his arms as he walked around the room. He glared at us angrily.

"She came up to us and started yelling at us. We have done nothing wrong." Josh said calmly, grabbing Mary's hand.

"What! That's not true! I was just sitting at the table and they came up to me. Supposedly I was sitting at their table and I they told me to go away but I didn't. That's when they started yelling at me." I said, very annoyed.

"Miss Gunnulfsen, please calm down." hhe principal said. He turned to Josh and Mary. "Josh, I know you're my son but please shut up. We all know you're lying." the principal said. Josh is his son.

"But since you are my son. You're not getting detention. Lyndsey, you are gettinf detention. It's just your first day and you're already getting in trouble. You better change your attitude if you want to stay here." he said.

I gasped and angrily stood up. "What the fuck?! I didn't do anything! I got angry because Josh cheated on Dua, his ex now and he hit her." I yelled. The bell rang and Josh and Mary got up, walking out of the room.

"Don't lie to me Lyndsey. Please go to your class now. You have detention for a month. It's going to be longer if you don't go to class now." the principal said.

I groaned and grabbed my bag, walking out of the room and slamming the door behind me. I almost bumped into a few people on the way to class because I was so angry.

I did bump into someone when I was almost at the classroom. "Fuck." I mumbled. The person's books fell and I picked them up and wanted to give them back. I looked up and saw that the person was...uh..Dua.

Dua's POV

"Lynn..." I whispered.

She shook her head and shoved my books back in my hands, walking away.

"No! Lynn, wait!" I yelled, walking after her and grabbing her arm, turning her around.

Our faces were almost touching and I saw her eye flicker to my lips.

Yes, I'm definitely gay.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! DID YOU SEE THE PLAYBOY PHOTO'S OF LYNN?!!! I'M LITERALLY DYINGGGGGG!! HEEEELPPP!!!!


School Sucks//Lynn Gunn and Dua Lipa {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now