Chapter 1

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Joe Jonas sat in his dressing room. In his hand he held and gulped it down his throat in one sip. From outside, the girls and some boys were shouting his name, crying out for him to come out and sing. 

''Five minutes, Joe.''  A nearby person shouted. 

His manager, Damon and also his best friend suddenly slipped inside his dressing room. ''Joe, five minutes,'' he informed him.

''I heard it,'' he said exasperated.

''Joe, you've gotta sing.''

''I know,'' he said and lifted up his now empty glass. ''I got paid to do it and I'll sing. Can you get me a refill?''

''No more refills. You're supposed to go out and sing any moment now. I know I should wait to tell you until after the show but after the show in London the label is dropping you if you wont get your act together.''

''Well, then it's the label's loss.''

''Seriously Joe? Your just gonna let them drop you?'' he raised his voice. ''Two minutes. Get on the stage!'' The same person as before shouted.

''See you after the show, Damon.'' Joe still held the empty glass as he was walking toward the door and Damon took it from his hands. "Give me that," he said and Joe continued to walk away and on to the stage. The music started playing and the crowd yelled out his name. ''JOOOOE!''

''Hello, my fans. Ready to start the show?'' The crowd cheered. "Let's go then." The melody, of his song Just in love, played and he sang.

''Girl I'm just in love with you.... yeah I'm just in love with you.'' As he was staring over the thousands in the crowd, he felt dizzy. Drinking before the show might not have been such a good idea. He tried to sing but all he felt was fuzziness. 

"He's drunk," he heard a guy's voice yelling out in the crowd. The very same guy suddenly threw a bottle at him as Joe was singing and he looked at the guy. ''Sorry, mate. It was an accident.'' Joe nodded and continued to sing. The guy suddenly threw another bottle at him and this time Joe stopped singing and jumped off stage. ''You got a problem?''

"Yeah, I payed good money for this show to see you sing not see you drunk." He pushed him. Joe pushed him back and they started to fight each other. 

"Oh jesus..." Damon mumbled as he saw what was happening. "SECURITY, GET THEM OFF EACH OTHER."

After the show, Joe was in his dressing room, clearing away his belongings. "Joe for god's sake get your act together."

"That guy attacked me!"

"That doesn't matter, you were drunk on stage!" he e shouted at him, filled with anger. 

Joe only shrugged and said, "London, and then all of this is over Damon."

"No Joe. London is off. The label has dropped you, but when you decide you wanna act like a man and work, talk to me and your in."

''Whatever, I'm going. See you later Damon.'' 

He grabbed the half full bottle of scotch and walked out to his car. He was wearing sunglasses, a beanie and a hoodie. That way no one would recognize him. He started the engine and began to drive .He turned on some music, and drank from his bottle. He turned up the volume of the music and had almost hit a girl when he noticed her and nearly lost control of the wheel and stopped the car. The girl tripped and dropped her groceries and they went rolling onto the street.

"Holy shit," he said as he ran out of the car and she was trying to pick up her groceries. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?" he asked the girl.

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