Chapter 5

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For the last remaining weeks, Selena was singing at bars again. All though, she wasn't singing any of Joe's songs. Joe had tried to call her but she didn't answer. She wanted nothing to do with him, she had been so humiliated. Elena was helping her and for that Selena was truly grateful.


He couldn't understand why Selena wouldn't answer him and why she never called him. He hadn't heard from her at all. He rubbed his head as he had a headache. He took a deep breath, his apartment was a total mess. He yawned, pacing back and forth when he suddenly bumped into something and it seemed to be a note that fell on the floor. He picked it up and on it said:  To Joe. He opened the note, starting to read it carefully.

Dear Joe,

Why won't you answer me? I have called you about 20 times. Your manager Damon told me you are in London on tour. You think it's funny to humiliate me, well heads up your humiliating yourself. Your a drunk and took advantage of me. 

Have a nice life,



He ruined the letter in his hands, his face heatened and he felt angry. The reason for all of this, the reason that she wouldn't call him back and he wouldn't hear from her was Damon. He knew where he was right at the moment and he was going to make him pay for the damage he caused. He grabbed his keys, ran out of his house, into his car and drove off. Damon was at some record label party and he had invited Joe to come. Joe entered the building and arrived at the party. He stopped in his tracks seeing Damon with a drink in his hands talking and laughing with some people Joe didn't recognize. Damon turned around noticing Joe.

''Hey you came!''

Joe shook his head filled with anger. He paced towards Damon. ''You jerk.''

''What?'' It was then that Joe punched him in the face. People gasped the moment he did. ''What the hell Joe? You drunk or something?''

''This time, I'm perfectly sober.''

''What is wrong with you?''

''Selena called, she called and you never told me.'' Damon didn't respond. ''It's true isn't?'' he asked, and once again Damon didn't respond. Joe snapped. ''ISN'T IT?''

''Of course it's true. It's always been you and me goddamn it Joe. It's always been you and me and suddenly this girl with some Cinderella voice appears and it's all forgotten. I'm the one who's always been there not her!''

Joe growled grabbing Damon by the collar. ''She was relying on me, her dreams were in my hands and you had to ruin it didn't you!?"

Damon pushed him off. ''Let go of me!'' Joe rolled his eyes at him before leaving the party.

Before he knew, Joe was at Elena's house. Selena wasn't at her own house so he looked up Elena's address and went there as quickly as he could. He rang the doorbell about twenty times before she answered. ''Alright hold on hold on...jeez..'' her eyes widened when she saw Joe standing in her doorway, she folded her arms. ''What are you doing here?'' she said in a serious tone.

''I'm looking for Selena, is she here?'' he asked, anxious to know.

She shook her head, annoyed. ''Haven't you caused enough damage already?''

''Look, there was a mistake and I need to make up for it. Everyone deserves a second chance.''

Elena sighed. ''Fine, she's back at her old job. Singing.''

''Thank you!'' he said before running back to his car and driving there.


Selena was on the stage, the microphone in front of her. She was singing one of her own songs that she had written a while back, she had no intention in covering some of Joe's songs. This song was called ''The way I loved you.'' She sung out the words, some were paying attention to her singing and some werent. She had almost stopped singing when she noticed Joe standing there, watching her singing. However, she finished the song.

Afterwards, she collected her money and ran out where a taxi was waiting for her. ''Selena wait!'' Joe yelled, but she had no interest to stop and wait for him. She got seated in the backseat of the taxi, she had almost closed the door when Joe got in the way and held it open. 

''Joe, if you had any desency you would  let me leave.''

''No, not until you listen!'' he demanded.

''Listen? You want me to listen?'' she hissed.

''Selena just let me explain,'' he said and for a second he looked at the taxi driver who didn't seemed pleased that two people were arguing in his precense.

Selena shook her head. ''This is my job now  so don't make a scene. I got this job with great difficulty.''

''Damn the job I want to speak with you!'' he shouted.

''WHY SHOULD I? I waited for two months. I took a big risk and I started dreaming. Everything seemed so real!'' she shouted with tears in her eyes, leaving him silent. ''What now?'' she shouted, and for a moment he did nothing but look at her until he said something. 

''Go ahead, be angry. I am the guilty one.''

''But I am not,'' she said. ''I waited for you.''

He blinked. ''Let me in,'' he said trying to push her further inside the cab. ''Come on.''

''What are you doing?'' she asked.

''Let me in.'' Joe pushed her inside and he sat down beside her.

''What are you doing?'' she asked, What are you doing?'' she asked again, raising her voice.

''Come on,'' he said and closed the door. She looked daggers at him.

''I want to tell you a story,'' he said.

Selena folded her arms and turned her head away from him, looking at the window. ''I don't want to hear your story,'' she said, still not looking at him.

Joe looked at the cab driver and said, ''Let's go.''


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