Chapter 24

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Selena was at the beach, the wind blowing in her dark hair. She sat on a bench with a notebook in her hand, trying to write a new song. She watched the ocean, trying to picture a song but nothing came. She tried to think of Sam but she had already written so many songs about him that nothing came into her head. She picked up a strand of her own hair and put it behind her ear as it had been blowing in her face. Suddenly two people came running over to her, a boy and a girl, probably about seventeen years old. 

''Selena?'' the girl said. ''Selena Gomez?" The boy was standing beside her and it took her only a second to realize that he was the girl's boyfriend. It was the way he looked at her.

''Yeah," laughed Selena. ''That's me.''

''I'm a huge fan. Can I get your autograph?'' she begged.

''Of course. I have a notebook with me,'' she told her and wrote her name on a empty page in the notebook, ripped the paper out and handed it to the girl. ''Here you go.''

''Thank you so much!'' she said happily, turned on her heel and walked away with her boyfriend. 

Suddenly it started to rain and the rain poured down on her. Selena ran to a shelter but her hair was already damp from the cold rain. The boy and the girl were now by the ocean. Selena stared at them as the boy took off his jacket and lifted it up.With the jacket he was protecting himself and the girl from the rain. It reminded her of a beautiful memory. Her and Joe. She smiled at the memory.

''So I saw you on TV with your brothers,'' said Elena as she was in the kitchen. It was mid afternoon. Joe was in the living room and she walked out and handed him a cup of coffee. He blew over it before taking a sip. ''You looked really dashing,'' she giggled and sat down next to him.

''Thanks,'' he laughed. ''So do you like the song?''

''Pom poms?''

He nodded.

''I love it, it's just so uplifting and I don't know ... happy.'' She laughed. ''I couldn't help but notice your going on tour this summer with them and you have an album coming out.''

''Yeah it's crazy,'' he said. ''If someone would have told me I would be doing this a year ago I wouldn't have believed it.'' He smiled and drank from the coffee, he leaned his back against the sofa. ''I'm just glad I'm doing music again, I forgot how much I missed it and I'm just glad that my vocal chords aren't damaged. How are you doing?'' he asked her.

''Well I'm working in an art gallery and yeah that's pretty much it. That's my life.''

''I asked how you were doing not what you were doing Elena. How are you after you know?''

She looked down, sighing. ''I think about him all the time, everyday. But he's gone and I need to move on from him, I loved him. He would have wanted me to move on but it's hard.''

Joe nodded. ''I know,'' he said and touched her hand. ''So there haven't been any boyfriends?''

''There have been guys who have asked me out and showed interest but I just wasn't interested in them,'' she explained.

''You will find someone Elena,'' he said and gave her a comforting smile. ''Your a beautiful person, inside and out and someone will love you.'' She stared at him for a moment before she kissed him on the lips, he pushed her away. ''Elena...''

''I'm sorry,'' she cried and looked down. ''I just wanted to feel that feeling again when I was with Damon and I thought if I'd kiss you I would because you were his best friend but... there was nothing. I'm so sorry.'' There was nothing to feel when she kissed him and she would never have any feelings for him other then friendly feelings.

''It's okay,'' he said and padded her on the shoulder. ''I understand.'' He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her for a moment. ''You know,'' he said after they pulled away from each other. ''It was Damon who believed that my vocal chords weren't damaged. And he was right. He always believed in me. I wish I would have believed him.''

''His spirit is a live in your songs Joe. Your keeping him alive.''

''I miss him so much Elena.''

''Me too,'' she said and leaned her head on his shoulder. ''You need a place to stay?'' she asked him.

''Nah, thinking of getting a hotel room.''

''That's ridiculous, stay here.''

''You sure?''


''Okay then.''

It was the very next day and Elena was after work. Ever since the day she had showed Jackson around she had been getting glares from some of her female co-workers but they weren't nasty, they were nice to her. They just told Elena she was lucky to get to spend time with such a good looking guy. Elena just laughed like they were being ridicilous. Her and Jackson were now working together since he was new and she had to go to meetings with him and they had to sell paintings together so he would see how the job worked. She was at the coffee shop by herself. It reminded her of her and Damon, they had their first kiss close by after having coffee together at this very place. She sighed, wishing he was here. 

''Miss Gilbert?'' a familiar voice said.  Elena looked up to see Jackson glaring down at her with a smile on his face.

''Elena,'' she corrected with a smile.

''Sorry, I'm always forgetting to call you that.''

''Well, I could always call you Mr. Whittemore and then you can call me Miss. Gilbert.''

He laughed. ''No, it's fine. Elena.''

She smiled.

''You want some company?'' he asked.

She shook her head. ''No.''

He nodded, turning on his heel. Elena suddenly realized how she had sounded. ''Wait!'' she called and he turned around to face her. ''I meant I just finished my coffee, I'm heading out,'' she told him and rose up from her seat, strided over to the trashcan and threw her coffee in it. ''Thanks, though.''

He nodded. ''Your welcome. I guess I'll see you at work then Miss ... I mean Elena.''

She grinned. ''Yeah, see you at work Jackson.'' She turned on her heel and walked out of the coffee shop. She walked towards the street letting the cars drive by before she could walk over. Suddenly she saw a dark haired figure, standing in the middle of the street as cars passed by him. ''Damon?'' She opened her eyes wider to get a closer look. She was going to walk over to the figure when a car was prepared drive over her, she screamed for her life when  someone grabbed her by her shoulders and yanked her back.

 ''Be careful Elena!'' It was Jackson, holding her. His hands were around her waiste and he stared into her eyes. She looked at the traffic only to see that the figure wasn't there anymore. She knew she had imagined it. Imagined him.  She felt her eyes filling with tears and as she looked at Jackson she knew he saw the tears coming. ''Come here,'' he said and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned her head on his chest and cried while he comforted her.

Joe was at Elena's apartment as she had allowed him to stay with him. He was on the couch with a guitar in his hands, strumming it with his fingers. Pom poms had been played so often and he had sung it so often that it had nearly gotten to the point that he was sick of it. So he had decided to write a new song. He had only written  the first verse and he sang it out loud.

''It can be a rush Yeah it's like a drug When you give up love, it's never worth it. When you're fighting fear, it can be so clear. What you really need is each other. But I finally found the truth.''

There was suddenly a knock on the door, and he expected it to be Elena. He rose up and put the guitar down. He walked over to the door opening it and to his surprise, it was not Elena. It was Selena.

She gasped and her face was blank staring at his. ''Joe,'' she said.

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