Chapter 18

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It was a month later and Elena stood at the stage and shook the principal's hand. ''Congratulations miss Gilbert,'' she heard him say. Finally, she had graduated and as her name had been called Damon yelled, ''Woohoo!'' By his side was Sam and by Sam's side was Selena cheering for her best friend. 

After the ceremony ended they were at Damon's place. With them was Sam and Selena. They all sat in the living room and drank champagne to celebrate Elena's graduation. ''Congrats El,'' said Selena, Sam's arm was wrapped around her. ''You deserve it.''

''Thank you,'' said Elena smiling. ''So much.'' Damon kissed her cheek and she blushed crimson. After a month of dating, he still managed to make her blush.

''Have you gotten any job offers?'' asked Sam.

''Yes, I have some  job interviews next week.''

''Good luck,'' Sam told her and gave her a friendly smile.

''Thanks Sam.'' She smiled at him.

''You'll do great Elena. After next week you will have a job,'' said Damon and stroked her cheek with his thumb. Next thing she knew he kissed her lightly on the mouth and pulled away.

''Thank you sweetie.''

''I have a surprise for you tonight,'' he whispered in her ear.

''You do?'' she raised her eyebrows. Damon nodded and a smirk curved onto his lips. ''So secretive,'' she said out loud and Selena giggled, her fingers were intertwined with Sam's.


Since the incident at the outdoor concert, Selena had not been in touch with Joe. She knew that Joe had tried to call a couple of times but she couldn't answer him. She didn't trust herself. She knew that she had to move on and that was with Sam. The man she was in love with. Selena knew Damon was trying his best to keep contact with him but it was hard. What she knew from what Damon told her was hat he was still drinking but he kept news of Joe from her, knowing she was trying to move on. She was sitting in her bedroom, strumming on her guitar, singing out. " I look at you, and all I wanna do, is just disappear. I got a craving for you, baby. Can we get out of here? You're a sexy machine, you're a Hollywood dream. And you got me feeling like a homecoming queen. Let's drop out of this crowd. Somewhere no one's allowed. I want you...

...all to myself,

I want you all to myself And nobody else, yeah, You don't need no other lover, We can keep it undercover." She looked up to see Sam standing in the doorway, grinning. His arms were folded. She stopped singing. ''How long have you been standing there?'' she asked with a smile on her face.

''Long enough,'' he said and walked inside her bedroom. He sat down on the bed and next to her. ''Amazing song, which doesn't surprise me.''

''The perks of being a singer ... the lyrics just come out,'' she giggled. He gave out a small laugh but Selena couldn't help but to notice it was weak and she knew something was bothering him. ''Sam. What's wrong?''

He shook his head. ''Nothing.''


''The song ... is it..." He looked down. "Is it about Joe?'' 

She blinked, staring at him for a second. Her heart grew cold, thinking of Joe but when she thought of the song the coldness disappeared. ''No Sam  it isn't,'' she told him and he looked up. ''It's about you.'' The seriousness in his face disappeared and she could see was happiness. He smiled brightly, touched her chin, leaned in and crashed his lips with hers. ''It's called undercover. I wrote it when you were there for me before we were together. I wrote it after I  knew I had fallen in love with you," she told him after he had pulled away from the kiss.

''I love it Selena,'' said Sam. ''And I love you,'' he added.

''I love you too Sam.''


''Damon if you would just tell me where your taking me then...'' Elena argued but before she could argue any further, he interrupted her and put his hands on her shoulders. They were at her house and all she wanted to know was what Damon was planning for them to do tonight. He was all ready wearing a suit, so they had to be going somewhere fancy. 

''No, not a chance,'' he said while shaking his head. ''Just put on something really really nice. I think it's on your bed.'' He smirked, making her confused. She walked towards the bedroom and gasped as she saw what was lying on it. A beautiful long black dress.


''You love it?''

''It's gorgeous but ... I couldn't possibly...'' But once again, before she could argue she got interrupted by her boyfriend.

''No, don't even think about it. Put it on!''

''What's it for?'' she asked.

''No questions. All in good time Elena.''

She sighed, defeated. ''Fine, I'll get ready. Just watch tv or something while I'm doing that.''

''Ok, I'll do that. Just be ready in an hour, we have to go by then.''

''Okay.'' She smiled at him before closing the door to her bedroom and she heard him head to the living room to watch some tv.

An hour later she walked out to Damon who was watching TV. ''Damon,'' she said and realized how shy she had sounded. She had never dressed as fancy as this. Her long dark hair was tied in a fancy side braid, she had makeup on and the long black dress had fitted perfectly. She knew Selena had helped. She just knew. He turned around and his face dropped as soon as he saw her.

He stood up from the couch, examaning her. She blushed, she felt like an exhibit at a museum. He smiled. ''Oh my god. You are the most beautiful thing on this earth Elena. You are stunning.''

''Just tonight?'' she teased while grinning.

He shook his head. ''No," he said. "Always.''


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