Chapter 28

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As they were lying in bed, covered in sheets, Joe's arm was on Selena's hip. He stared into her eyes and she in his. He was smiling and he said nothing. He only stared and it made her heart jump around in her chest. She was smiling back but then her thoughts traveled to Sam. Her smile faded. It was never like this with Sam and she felt the guilt rush through her.

''What is it?'' he asked. ''Having second thoughts? I know that this was ... unexpected.''

She  nodded. ''I know,'' she said and for a moment he looked rejected, just like after he pushed her against the wall and she turned around. And then she added, ''but amazing.''

He smiled brightly, touching a lock of her dark hair. ''Do you feel bad? About Sam?'' he whispered.

''Of course I do,'' she replied. ''We were together for a year. He must be heartbroken right now. He is heartbroken, I know it. But I just couldn't be with him when all I ever thought about was you. And how much I love you. More then I ever loved him. He just wasn't enough and I wouldn't be enough for him.''

Joe stared at her. ''I love you too,'' he told her right before leaning in and kissing her softly on the lips. Their lips moved together for a while before he broke the kiss. ''He will find someone Selena, it might take a while but he will find someone who will love him. And he her. Don't feel so bad.''

Selena nodded, a smile formed on her lips. She rose up and got on top of him her sheets still wrapped around her, she bent down and kissed him passionately, his hand on her cheek.

 ''I love you,'' he whispered between kisses and broke ther kiss soon afterwards. ''I just want you to know that I'm sorry for everything,'' he told her. ''For choosing the alcohol over you. I promise you, that will never happen again. I love you so much. I'm so sorry.''

''I forgive you, and I've seen how much you've changed. I'm really proud of you. I love you too. I love you very much. So much.'' He smiled happily, rose up now sitting on the bed. He leaned in, kissing her and pushed the sheet off her shoulders and she was bare again.

As it was dark out, Elena took a stroll and ended up in the graveyard. She walked towards Damon's grave and kneeled infront of it. She read the words on the gravestone, Damon Salvatore- A loving brother, son and friend. She sighed feeling the pain in her chest. 

''I'm so confused Damon. I've met someone and I don't know how to move on. I wish you were alive then this would be so much easier. You and I would be together,'' she cried. ''I wish you were alive.'' She wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks. ''How am I supposed to be with him when I could easily be with you if you weren't dead,'' she sniffed, shaking her head. ''I don't...I don't know.'' She grabbed the flowers that had been put on his grave, holding them firmly in her hands. ''I'm just so sick of feeling this way, gosh.'' She threw the flowers away and broke down, crying. ''I can't do this Damon,'' she cried. ''I just...I just can't.''

The very next day Elena showed up to work wearing tight jeans, strappy heels and a grey jacket over her fancy, black tanktop . She wore her hair down and held tightly on to her bag as it was around her shoulder. She was tired after nearly crying herself to sleep the night before and Joe didn't come home, thank god for that but she wondered where he was. She sighed getting ready to go to a meeting and suddenly stopping in her tracks when she noticed Jackson on the other side of the hall, chatting to a blonde woman. They looked flirty, why did it hurt so much to see him flirt with another woman? But it didn't hurt as much when Damon died. But still, it hurt. When he noticed her, that flirty smile of his faded and he stepped forward as if he would run over to her but he hesitated. Before he would make his decision, Elena turned on her heel and let herself disappear down the hall.

Selena stood in her bedroom cleaning up old stuff, it was cleaning day and she loathed it. But she was going to get over with. She had to. She rummaged through old boxes filled with stuff she hadn't touched in a while as she sat on the floor. She found some old family albums, old song lyrics and CD'S. She took some of the CD'S into her hands and looked at them. There was Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Avril Lavigne and more...her eyes suddenly landed on the CD and on the face of the man she loved the most. She looked at the album, Fastlife bringing back old memories. She smiled, rising up from the floor and walked towards the CD player. She turned it on and put the CD inside. When the first song started playing, she closed her eyes and smiled. She listened to Joe's voice as he sung the song, All this time. I know you’ve been hurt before But never say never, baby Slow down, don’t close the door.

''Oh boy, that's an old one." She opened her eyes and turned down the volume. Selena turned around to see Joe standing in her room. ''Remember?" he smiled beautifully.

''How could I forget?" she asked. ''We sung it the first time you trained me. I was so nervous that day,'' she said. 

''You sang it better then me,'' he joked.

''That's not true,'' she said shaking her head. ''But we sure did sound good together.''

''Yeah,'' he laughed. ''We did.'' He walked towards her, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the lips, sending shivers all over her body. She could kiss him forever, she thought. And now she could because they were together now. ''I love you,'' he said after breaking the kiss.

''I love you too.''

''It's funny that your playing that song because..."

''Knock knock,'' someone said. It was a curly haired boy and another man behind him whose hair was also curled. They were smiling friendly smiles and Selena knew instantly who they were. Kevin and Nick, Joe's brothers.

''Oh I asked them to meet me up here. Is that all right with you?''

''It's more then all right, come in guys. Hi, I'm Selena.'' She reached out her hand and shook both of their hands. ''It's very nice to meet you at last.''

''We know who you are,'' Nick said smiling. ''The girl who stole Joe's heart.''

''Of course we do,'' said Kevin. ''We love your songs, they are amazing. I love the song Come and get it. And the video, it's so...Bollywood.'' He laughed.

''Thank you!'' she said. ''I love your songs too, Pom poms is a great song.''

''Thanks!'' Nick and Kevin said simultaneously.

''So what are you guys upto?'' she asked looking at Joe.

''Well,'' Joe cleared his throat as if he was about to say something serious. ''We are on our way to an interview and...we were hoping to tell the interviewer that Selena Gomez our opening act on tour this summer.''


''Look I know it's soon as we just got back together but I already asked John as he is your manager and he said yes. And maybe we could do a duet, I was gonna ask you to sing all this time with me but you can say no of course. No pressure.''

''Your an amazing singer Selena and this tour will be epic and having you on it would be even more epic,'' said Nick. ''But we understand if you can't or if you don't want to.''

''Well...'' Selena said. ''Yes I'll do it, without question! I have nothing better to do anyway and since John said yes...''

Before she knew, Joe's arm was around her and he was lifting her and swinging her around in his arms, then he kissed her. ''You have made me the happiest man alive Selena.''

''Gosh Joe, calm down,'' she laughed. ''It's not like we're getting married,'' she joked making Kevin and Nick burst into laughter. Joe laughed too but as much as they did. ''I can't wait to do this with you,'' she said smiling. ''All of you,'' she said looking at Kevin and Nick.

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Sorry for not posting for some time now...I don't know why I didn't but I'm sorry. I won't post it this late again. There's like 2 parts left of this story so it will end soon :)


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