Chapter 17

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''Joe did that? Seriously?'' Damon asked. He was sitting at a coffee shop, talking to Elena. She had described to him the events that occured after Selena's concert. ''That's not the Joe I know...''

''Alcohol changes people...'' said Elena. She was surprised when he called and asked her to meet up when she was on her way home from Selena's outdoor concert but it had made her excited so she said yes. ''I'm sorry Damon I know that he is your...''

''Best friend? He's like a brother to me. It's like seeing your own family dying in front of you and it breaks my heart to see him like this. No matter what I do...I can't put any sense into him. I wish I could but...I just can't.''

She touched his hand. ''I'm really sorry,'' she told him and stared into his eyes. He put his other hand over hers, making her heart jump.

''It's okay. Thank you for listening to me.''

''Your welcome Damon.''

''So you just work at that bar?''

''No, I go to university that's just an extra job.I'm actually graduating this semester.''

''Wow, congratulations.'' He nodded and took his hand away from hers and she took hers from his. 

''Thanks,'' she said, smiling. 

He stood up and payed for the coffee he had bought. ''Thank you for the good small talk.'' She gathered her things and they walked out together. He put his hand on her shoulder and it sent shivers down her spine. ''It's really nice to talk to someone who listens. Someone who understands.''

They suddenly stopped when they were in front of her car. ''You know, I was really wrong about you Damon,'' she confessed. He raised his eyebrow, probably wondering what she meant. ''I thought you were conceited...just a manager who only wanted Joe and the money for himself but your a great friend. Your loyal to him, I can see that now.''

He smiled brightly. ''Your a loyal friend too. I'm surprised you want to listen to me considering your Selena's best friend. Your a wonderful girl Elena and I've come to realize that I really...really...''

''Really what?'' 

''That I'm really fond of you Ok?''

''Okay?'' where was he going with this? She thought to herself, but she had a clue. He suddenly touched her cheek, leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. ''Okay,'' she giggled when he pulled away. She could see him smiling and this time she kissed him, deepening the kiss.

Selena sat on her couch, hugging herself. She couldn't help the tears that ran down her cheek. She had said to Joe that he was dead to her and she could see the heartbreak in his drunken face as soon as she said it. Footsteps appeared in the living room, it was Sam coming from the bathroom. He had been cleaning the blood off his nose. He looked at her and when he did she looked away so he couldn't see her crying. 

''Hey...'' he said. ''Hey don't cry.'' He walked up to her and sat down next to her wiping the tear off her cheek. ''It's okay. I'm okay.''

She shook her head. ''I'm sorry that had to happen.''

''It's alright. I promise,'' he said and stroked her cheek. ''It's okay.''

She sniffed. ''How can such a fairytale turn into a hell like this?'' she whispered. But when I'm with you it feels like heaven, she thought.

''It's life. It goes on, things change. You are beautiful and you deserve nothing but happiness Selena.''

She smiled. Their foreheads touched and he moved his lips to he forehead kissing it. His nose touched hers and their eyes met. He ran his hand through her dark hair, he leaned in and kissed her soft lips. She let him and kissed him back.

''Can I love you?'' he whispered through the kiss.

''Yes," she whispered. ''You can.''

''But do you love me?'' he broke the kiss, looking into her eyes. Impatiently waiting for an answer.

And she knew the answer. She loved Joe, she did but Sam was not the same as Joe. She nodded, smiling. ''Yes. I love you.'' His face brightened and once again their lips met.

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