Chapter 2

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"Holy shit,'"  Joe asked the girl as he ran out of the car and she was trying to pick up her groceries. "I'm so sorry, are you okay?" he asked her. 

She hissed. "You're wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night and your asking if I'm okay?" she said as she was still picking up her groceries. "Ugh, you've got a bad breath. Obviously been drinking."

"Please, let me help you."

"I'm sure some groceries went under your car, go and pick them up!" she demanded. He stood there hesitantly. ''Go, I said!'' she demanded once again. 

He crouched and reached under his car for some groceries. "Just found some apples," he said as he rose up from the ground. "They don't look that great though."

"Just leave them. They're dirty now because you almost hit me. Not to mention almost late to work and the bar manager won't be happy."

 "Let me give you a ride," he offered.

''NO. I mean, thank you but I'll manage.'' He nodded but he was prepared to argue. However, she walked away before he could.

Selena was singing at the bar, the crowd wasn't much but at least they liked her singing. She thought of much she loved to sing, without it she wouldn't have a reason to live. She sang Joe Jonas' song Just In Love but an acoustic version of it. She loved his songs. And she liked her job, she guessed, at least she got paid for singing. The door opened and a guy with shades and a beanie walked in. Wait a second, oh no it's him. This isn't happening! It's him, that drunken asshole who almost killed her. The solo in the song played and as he spotted her she wandered over to her friend Elena. 

"He's here,"  she said quite paranoid.

"Who?" she asked her. "And hurry up, the solo's almost over."

"The guy with the shades, he almost killed me," she explained but made her way over to the microphone and finished the song. He was listening to the song, she could  tell and he seemed to like it. Too much actually. The song ended and he walked toward the stage. "Elena, Elena. Help me," she whispered to her. "What can I do?"

He then removed his shades from his eyes and his beanie from his now ruffled hair. And she couldn't believe her own eyes. She was in shock to find out who he really was. "Oh my god ... you're Joe Jonas ... you saw me sing ... your song. Oh my god, I made you pick up my groceries from the ground. I'm so sorry."

 Suddenly, he grabbed her by the hand and led her somewhere they could sit. "You sang my song better then me," he said. 

She didn't believe him. "No , that's not true."

"But it is. You felt what you were singing, the lyrics. Never in my life have I done that. You're an amazing singer."

"JOE!" a voice suddenly called. "JOE!" 

Joe turned around to face the man that spotted him.

 ''Damon?'' he asked surprised.

"I found your car it was wrecked. I thought you were dead."

"Damon it's nothing."

"Nothing? I just said I thought you were dead." He pulled on Joe's arm and dragged him with him as they were walking toward the door in an argument. 

Joe looked back at her smiling and she repayed him with a smile. 

"WHAT'S YOUR NAME?" he yelled.

"SELENA!" she yelled while laughing.

"I'M JOE!" He yelled back.

"I KNOW!" He laughed at her up until he was out of sight and she could no longer see him.

Her eyes opened as she was in bed. Someone was throwing rocks at her window and she ran to the window. It was him, he was outside her house signalling for her to come outside and so she did. "Are you crazy? You could wake up my parents."

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "That guy at the club was my manager Damon. He was not pleased so I had to leave in a hurry," he said and grabbed her hand. They sat down on her porch, whispering so no one could hear them.

"I want to make you a star, Selena."


"I want you to become a star, you have an amazing voice and you should embrace it. It's your dream, right?"

"Well yes, but what about my job? Maybe others won't approve of me. You only think I'm good."

"No. I think you're amazing and the people at the bar thought so too. They will, I will talk to the record producer. I will convince him to give you a try."

"A try? Meaning I have to convince him as well?"

"Which you will, because you have an amazing gift." 

She sighed nervously. 

"Selena." He put his hand on hers. "Quit your job, you should not be singing in bars, you should be out there... which you will be."

She thought for a second. "Okay," she said.

"Great." They exchanged phone numbers so they would be able to reach each other.

 She rose to her feet. "Thank you, Joe. You have no idea how much this means to me."

"I will be in touch. Tomorrow I will talk to the record producer and contact you afterwards."

"OK." She  nodded. "Good night, Joe."  She turned on her heel and started toward the door when his voice suddenly interrupted her.

"Selena," he called and she turned around to face him. 

"What?" she asked and he was staring at her with a grin on his face.

"Nothing . . . just like that." He turned around, disappearing into the night and she walked back into her home.

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