Chapter 3

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The day after their conversation on Selena's porch, she had quit her job and was waiting on Joe to call her but aware that he was going to talk to the record producer first. Then, he would call her. The bar owner hadn't been happy when she quit, he nearly refused to pay her but she had managed to convince him not to do so with Elena's help.

She was perched on the edge of her bed, strumming on her guitar and singing one of the songs that she had written: Slow down.  In her head, Selena imagined it to be more of a pop song and faster because of the lyrics, but the devices were to expensive for her to buy. Her parents had once offered to buy her some, but they needed the money more then she did so Selena refused.

"Now that I have captured your attention
I want to steal you for a rhythm intervention
Mr. T you say I'm ready for inspection
Sh-sh-show me how you make a first impression.

"Knock knock." It was Elena.

"Hey," Selena greeted. "Please come in."

"Thanks. That's a really cool song. I like the lyrics," she complimented. 

"Thank you. Joe's record producer might want to hear some of my songs so I'm trying to practice a bit."

"You're gonna do great."

"Thank you."

"So what was he like. I mean, as a person?"

"He's nice... which I expected. And he's smaller than I thought he would be. But he's still taller than me, at least." And he's handsome... she thought as in her mind's eye she could see his brown eyes staring into hers. His attractive features that each of his girl fans most likely admired, and his male fans even so. But also, on him, she could smell the mixture of what was the divine scent of his cologne and some type of alcohol he had been drinking. She guessed scotch.

"Hmm," was all Elena said as if it was of no importance to her, and it probably wasn't as her daily thoughts didn't in all likelihood consist of celebrities. "Please play for me. I would love to hear more of the song and, you could picture me as Joe's record producer."

"I don't even know how he looks like. So how could I?"

"Just... do it."

"Fine." Selena rolled her eyes and sang the next verse of the song.

Joe walked inside the studio as his record producer was watching a recording happening. He was in his mid fifties and had experience. Selena was truly a good singer if John would think so as well. 

"John," he said, signalling for him to come outside. John mouthed to the singer to continue singing and they stepped outside.

"What's up Joe?" he asked.

"I have found an amazing singer," he said. 

"Haven't we all," John said unconvinced.

"No, John. You wouldn't believe how amazing her voice is."

"That's right, I wouldn't. I have to go now, I'm busy." He was about to step back inside but Joe grabbed his wrist, preventing him from doing so.

"I am telling you John. This girl could be a superstar, her voice is is ... magic. Mesmerizing. She sang just in love and waaaay better then me. It was like she was feeling the song."

John glared at him. "you really think she has a shot?"


"Fine, bring her over here. Coach her and then bring her to record here in the studio. That's when I will judge her voice, and judge if she's really a superstar."

"GREAT!" He hugged John tightly and ran off. He grabbed his phone dialing Selena's number, waiting impatiently for her to answer which she didn't. "Damn," he said walking toward his car as he was in his parking lot, when a nearby car ran him over, knocking him to the ground and drove off. 

For a few days Selena tried to call him but he would never pick up. She wondered why, was he busy or did he change his mind about her. Or did the record producer not want her? One time her phone rang and she answered happily thinking it was him, it turned out it was just Elena. Reaching him on the phone was nearly impossible, six days had passed by and he still hadn't answered one of her calls. She told herself, one more time and if he doesn't answer this time, I will give up on him.

Drawing in a deep breath, she dialed him one last time and waited. As she waited, for about 30 seconds, she almost gave up but then unexpectedly, she could hear a voice on the other end of the line.


"Joe?" she said, happy.

"No, this is Damon Joe's manager."

"Can I speak to him?"

"He's in London, on his tour."



"When will he be back?"

"Two months or so. Listen, I have to go. I'm busy." And he hung up on her, leaving Selena angry and confused.

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