Chapter 19

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After Damon had driven for about fifteen  minutes, he had ordered Elena to close her eyes so wherever it was he was taking her wouldn't ruin the surprise. She sighed and did as he asked of her. When he finally parked the car she heard him step outside, close it and run to her side. He opened the door for her and helped her climb out of it. He now covered her eyes with his hands, giving her instructions on how to walk so she wouldn't trip. ''Where are you taking me?'' she asked, giggling. ''I want to know... desperately.''

She heard him laugh micheviously. ''You will soon find out, now watch your step.'' She did as he instructed and he lead her somewhere. She knew that she was outside and before she knew she heard loud noises and it was coming from people. He took his hand away from her eyes and the noises got higher, she soon realized it was cheering like some kind of excitement. ''Ok,'' he said, ''you can open your eyes now.''

She opened her eyes and when she saw what was infront of her, her jaw dropped and soon enough, she gasped. ''Oh my lord! You took me to a...premiere!''

''Do you like it? Is it too much?''

''No,'' she said and faced him. ''It's perfection, it's wonderful.''

''Do you know which premiere it is?'' he asked, grinning.

She shook her head confused but suddenly stopped  thinking and her eyes widened. ''NO! Really?'' He nodded. ''I've been waiting for it for it for four years!''

''I know how you love everything related to the planet of the apes babe. You made me watch the old ones, the Tim Burton one and the one from 2011. Why do you think I brought you specially to this premiere my beautiful planet of the apes nerd?''

''Because your too sweet,'' she said smiling.

''No,'' he said. ''Because I love you.''

As soon as he said it, she smiled like a happy little school girl and she found herself once again blushing. It was the first time he said it to her and it was the perfect moment. ''I love you too.'' He then pulled her towards him and kissed her passionately. When he pulled away, he wrapped his arm around her. ''Now, shall we do this?''

''Yes we shall!''

Joe paced around his apartment with a bottle of vodka in his hand. He gulped it. He was wearing a t-short and his boxers and his feet were bare. The TV was on and he suddenly stopped gulping the vodka when he saw what was on TV. It was E news and he couln't help but stare at the face that was on the screen. He turned up the volume to hear what was being said and put the vodka bottle down on the table. 

''Spotted. Selena Gomez and boyfriend Sam Winchester. Last weekend they were spotted and seeming to be on a date night as they were holding hands,'' said the woman on E news. Joe swallowed, nothing hurt more then seeing her with another man. Sam. ''Some time after a breakup with former singer Joe Jonas , romance happened between Selena Gomez and her bodyguard Sam Winchester and there is no doubt that love is in the air between the happy couple,'' said the woman. 

He switched the channel and on came a music channel. A music video of Tom Odell's Another love was playing and when the song finished another music video came on. He had tried calling her after the outdoor concert incident but she never replied, she had basically said to him that he was dead to her and maybe that was how he should remain to her. Dead. How did things get so mixed up? They were the perfect couple and they were happy. Me, he thought. I happened. It's all my fault. His eyes travelled again to the screen when Selena appeared and in her music video, come and get it. He cursed. Why her? Why did she have to appear everywhere? Maybe because she was a world famous superstar. Her songs were adored and so was she. He stared at the screen. She was so beautiful but it made him sad to look at her. He turned off the TV  and threw the remote at the wall. Tears ran down his face and he tried not to cry, but he did. He first ran his hands over his face and then through his dark brown hair. 

Selena stared out the window as she was in her bedroom. An hour ago Sam had headed out to his apartment or that's what she thought he had said. She sighed, hugging herself. Without him, there was not much to do other then write songs. She heard him come in but she didn't turn away from her window. She thought of how her life had changed from just being a girl singing in bars, meeting Joe Jonas whose songs she adored, to him making her a superstar and falling in love with him.  Now she was dating her bodyguard, who she loved. She nearly screamed when something cold went around her neck. She felt Sam's fingers on her and when he moved them away she noticed that she was now wearing a necklace. It was a half heart. 

''I have the other half,'' he said. ''You have mine.'' She could see his reflection in the window and she could even see that he was wearing the other half. 

''It's so beautiful.'' And romantic, she thought. ''I really love it,'' she whispered. 

His arms wrapped around her and he kissed her neck and she closed her eyes as she felt the softness of his lips. His lips moved further up and he was now kissing her cheek. He made her turn around to face him and their lips met. Now they kissed passionately. She unbuttoned his shirt and he took it off. They collapsed on the bed and now she was on top on him. He took her t-shirt off. ''You are one beautiful woman Selena Gomez,'' he said and he made her blush. She took off her bra and their lips met once again.

On the red carpet, Elena felt like a true celebrity. Damon's arm was wrapped around her waiste and photos were taken. Thank goodness for the dress he had given her for this event, she had thought to herself. Afterwards they went inside and watched the movie which turned out to be amazing. She loved it. This was most certainly the best night of her life. She was sad when it ended and they walked to his car. Next he was going to drive her home.

 ''Thank you Damon. This was the most perfect night, your a wonderful boyfriend,'' she told him as he was driving her home. He smiled his perfect smile and quickly kissed her lips. His eyes were focused on the road. ''I love you Damon Salvatore.''

''I love you too Elena.'' She smiled happily. ''You know, I was gonna wait until we got home but I have to say it now. I know it's soon and we've only been together for a month but I am so in love with you and I'm never going to stop loving you. Elena Gilbert, will you ma-'' Suddenly came a loud crash noise and everything turned dark.

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