Chapter 16

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A week had passed by. It was in the middle of the day and Selena had a outdoor concert to perform at. John was there, also Elena and so was Sam considering he was her bodyguard. Among them were also thousands in the crowd. She could hear them screaming her name and it made her smile. She had so many loyal and loving fans and that's what she loved the fact about being a singer. John and Elena had a special place to watch the concert from and Sam as well since he was her bodyguard. She stepped on the stage and the screaming got louder. She smiled and waved. 

''Hello my amazing fans!" she shouted through the microphone and the yelling got even louder. ''Ready for a good show?'' The audience cheered. ''Good," she laughed. "so am I. I have some good songs for you today. But first I'm going to sing my song, who says and I would like to dedicate to all of you, my lovely fans.'' The audience cheered loudly. She waited for the music to begin and when it finally did, she sung. After a moment of getting further into the song she sung "Who says, who says you're not perfect? Who says you're not worth it? Who says you're the only one that's hurting? Trust me that's the price of beauty.Who says you're not pretty? Who says you're not beautiful, who says?" The audience were waving their hands, she caught a glimpse of John and Elena. John was moving his head with the music, Elena was dancing. Like John, Sam was moving his head but not as much. Their eyes met and they smiled at one another. She turned her head towards the audience and sung the last verse and when the song ended the audience cheered. ''Thank you so much guys. Next I'm going to sing Hit the lights."

The show ended and after it Selena gave a couple of autographs and pictures. After a while of waiting most part of the crowd had left, it would be easier to wait for most of the fans to go, Sam had said and that way it would be easier for them to leave. She was exhausted and John with Elena came up to Selena, behind her was Sam who had been looking out for her. 

''Great show, Selena. How do you feel?'' asked John and she smiled.

She giggled. ''I actually feel happy, it went really smoothly and perfectly and it was just an amazing crowd and I just had fun. With all that's happened, I forgot how much I enjoyed this. Singing.''

Elena smiled and touched Selena's shoulder. ''Well, your living the dream. That's all that matters and the show was pretty fun and amazing.'' She winked at her. ''Are you ready to go?''

''Yeah,'' she said. 

''I'll take you to the car, in case of some crazy fans,'' Sam said and he made her laugh. She noticed how Elena smirked at her. Was she trying to indicate something? They were about to start walking towards the parking lot, Elena and Selena side by side and Sam closely behind them when Selena heard her name being said.

''Selena.'' They all turned around and she grew still, staring at the person.

''Joe.'' She swallowed.

''It wa..s a show. I loved it, some amazing song there...''

''Are you drunk?''

He answered nothing and she could feel Sam's eyes on her, including Elena's. ''Some of the songs must have been about me...right? How I broke your heart and I am sorry. For breaking your heart.''

''Go home Joe. Sleep it off.''

''She's right,'' said Sam. ''Sleep it off.''

He glared at Sam. ''So your the new man in her life. She has replaced me. How is that going?''

''Joe...'' It was John and he touched his arm. 

Joe flinched. ''Leave me alone John,'' he said and stepped closer to Sam, looking him in the eye. ''You think your special huh? Just because the sensational Selena Gomez has her eyes on you. Well your not, I mean...she fell in love with me and I'm a piece of crap...''

''Joe stop,'' whined Selena.

''Your a piece of crap Joe, because you did that to yourself and you know what? You don't deserve her!'' As soon as he said it, Joe charged at him and punched him in the face. At that point John grabbed him and Sam's nose bled. Securities game running and grabbed him from John.

''WHO ARE YOU?'' Selena shouted at Joe.

''I'm the one who's always been there not him!'' he shouted.

''He's been there for me in more ways then you have recently been. He doesn't drink and he sure doesn't choose alcohol over his closest ones!'' she shouted, her eyes watery. ''Leave me alone Joe because I cannot deal with this anymore. Stay away from me and my life. The Joe I knew ... he's dead.'' 

Joe's face was blank and Selena forced herself to turn away from him and was now touching Sam's bleeding nose. The securities took Joe away and Sam said to her, ''Come on I'll take you home.''

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