Chapter 30 (Final)

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It was seven pm. Elena sat as she watched Selena rehearsing for her tour. As fun as it was watching her she couldn't keep him off her mind. It was like everything was reminding her of everything reminded her of Damon. Did she really have two guys on her mind? But she knew until the day she died she would think of Damon even though... She shook her head. Now Selena's song was reminding her of Jackson. Selena was singing her song "Come and get it' and all she could see was Jackson.

''You ain’t gotta worry it’s an open invitation. I’ll be sittin’ right here real patient. All day all night I’ll be waitin’ standby. Can’t stop because I love it, hate the way I love you. All day all night maybe I’m addicted for life, no lie.''

Really Selena? She thought to herself. Did you have to sing that song? Elena sighed to herself, burying her face in her hands. Suddenly the song stopped, much to Elena's relief. ''I'm sorry...I need a break. Is that okay with you guys?'' she asked the backup dancers. They all nodded and Elena watched as her best friend walked off stage.

Elena stood up from her seat and ran up to her. ''Hey, that was really good. Why did you stop?''

''I'm kind of tired. We've been rehearsing on and on and I just...I need a break. And it's seven pm!'' Elena nodded and followed Selena. ''But it seems like I'm not the only one who's tired. You seem so ... I don't know...strange?''

''Isn't everybody?''

''I'm still the same Selena. I know you. You’re my best friend, I've been backing off because of Damon, knowing what you've been going through. But now I'm starting to think it's something else.''


''Elena, please talk to me.'' Selena put her hands on Elena's shoulders. ''I am tired...I've been working my ass off...and I swear I'm a little sick but inspite of that I want to hear whatever it is that you’re going through. It's something else then Damon isn't it?'' she asked, staring into Elena's eyes.

Elena then nodded. ''Someone else actually.''

''What? Really?''

Elena explained everything about Jackson and what had happened between them to her best friend. ''And I don't know what to do because...''

''Because Damon's on your mind.''

She nodded. ''How can I be with Jackson when it's Damon I could be with of he wasn't dead. I would be with him Selena.''

''You don't know that.''

''He loved me and I loved him.''

''And I know that and you know that. Everybody knows that but I can sure you that he would want you to be happy and especially with someone who loves you. Clearly Jackson has romantic feelings for you. Do you love him?''


''So stop crying...stop avoiding him and get that man!''

Elena then found herself laughing. ''Okay.''

''What man? Me?'' someone said laughing. It was Nick who came up to them, giggling.

''You wish,'' teased Elena.


''Hey guys,'' greeted Kevin who walked past them with a hot dog in his hand.

''Hey,'' said Nick and Elena simultaneously.

''Oh my god...that hot dog smells so bad,'' said Selena with a disgusted look on her face and put her hand on her nose.

''No it doesn't...'' said Nick.

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