Chapter 23

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Ever since a year ago, a week after Damon's passing, Elena did go to the job interview knowing it's what Damon would have wanted. And she ended up with getting a job at an art gallery. She had been working there now for a year and she found out that she liked the job. Her boss was friendly and so were her co-workers. They had known she had dated Damon Salvatore, Joe Jonas' manager and it was on the news that he had died so for the first five months they had treated her carefully, giving her pity looks. It sucked in her opinion because that only reminded her of the sadness of losing Damon and it took everything for her not to cry infront of them. They also gave her a lot of glares knowing she was Selena Gomez' best friend. 

She was in the staff room getting herself a cup of coffee and blew over it right before taking a sip of it. The doors suddenly opened and Elena's boss came in, a young man, probably about Elena's age, behind him. Her boss gave her a friendly smile. ''Miss Gilbert,'' he greeted. ''This is Mr. Whittmore,'' he said pointing at him. Elena could admit to herself that this Mr.Whittmore was quite handsome. He was wearing a suit, his hair perfectly done and he seemed to have that confidence that says ''I'm sexy and I know it.''

''Hello Mr. Whittmore,'' she greeted.

He gave her a friendly smile. ''Hello Miss Gilbert but you may call me Jackson,'' he told her. 

She nodded. ''Then you may call me Elena,'' she said.

''Mr. Whittmore is a new member of our staff and I was wondering you could show him around, that is if you don't have a meeting.''

''No problem,'' she said. ''And no I don't have a meeting until late this afternoon.'' 

Her boss nodded. ''Good, then I'll leave you to it,'' he said and stalked out of the room. 

Jackson remained with her in the room, staring at her. Yes, he was remotely handsome and he knew it and he knew she thought so. It was like he was showing off, he smiled.

''So,'' she initiated. ''Ready for a tour?''

He nodded. ''Ready when you are miss Gilbert.''

''Elena,'' she corrected.

''Elena,'' he said. ''Sorry.''

She smiled and walked past him and through the door. He followed and she showed him around. She knew what kind of a guy he was, one of those guys who walked into a room and all girls would fall for him. She was not going to be one of them. Elena could even see a few of the women who worked there giving him admiring glares.She was going to act like the boring aunt at birthday parties asking boring questions.

 ''So why do you want to work at an art gallery?''

After showing him around and after finishing the meeting, Elena was ready to go home. She was walking home, through the crowds of people. She yawned and reminded herself that when she would get home she would get herself some bubble bath and afterwards she would watch a romantic movie while eating ice cream. She suddenly stopped in her tracks when she saw a figure sitting on a bench. Her jaw dropped. She couldonly see the backside of the figure but she recognized that backside everywhere. She had even seen it on television. He was wearing a beanie and his leather jacke. She walked carefully behind him and covered his eyes.

''Guess who?''

''Let me guess ... Beyonce!''

She shit him playfully on the shoulder. ''Shut up,'' she said and he stood up facing her. ''I can't believe your back,'' she said with a smile on her face.

''It's good to be back and it's so good to see you Elena.''

''It's good to see you too Joe. I missed you.''

He opened his arms and she wrapped her arms around him hugging him. ''I missed you too Elena.'' She clearly wasn't going to take a bubble bath tonight or watching a romantic film. She was going to catch up with Joe.

It was 10 pm. Selena sat on the couch with her head leaning on Sam's shoulder. They were watching TV together and his arm was around her. They were wathing some TV show because they were bored and when the commericals came on she smiled at him. He was always so handsome, she thought and that did not in anyway bother her. This handsome man was not only her bodyguard but he was also her loving boyfriend.

 She was gonna kiss him when she heard a man say on TV,  ''This summer, a tour with the Jonas Brothers. Order your tickets now and witness the magical reunion.'' And while he spoke the music video, pom poms appeared. She sighed and Sam quickly changed the channel.

''Does it bother you, seeing him on TV like that?'' he asked.

She shrugged. ''I don't know, I mean it must have been uncofortable for him. He probably saw me on TV all the time, he probably dealt with it. I gotta do that too,'' she said.

Sam nodded. ''I'm gonna get something to drink. You want some babe?'' She shook her head. He kissed her on the forehead and stood up go to the kitchen.

Later that night when Sam had fallen asleep by Selena's side she only found out that she couldn't sleep. She then snuck out of the bed and grabbed her laptop. She went to the living room and sat on the sofa with the laptop in her lap. She turned on a video she had found on he internet and it was a recent video of Joe where he was singing one of his old songs at some concert. It was the song ''all this time'' and she stared at him singing it, agonized as she remembered when she sung that song with him, when he was training her. She looked down, listening to his voice. Then she closed her eyes picturing herself when she sung it with him. When he finished singing, she closed the laptop and went back to the bedroom. She crawled carefully into the bed and fell asleep next to Sam.

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