Chapter 26

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Elena sighed, entering her house and leaned against the door after closing it. Why did she kiss him? And why did she let him kiss her? She shook her head, taking off her jacket and putting her bag down. Joe smiled as he noticed her. 

''How was dinner?'' he asked as he walked towards her, greeting her.

''It was interesting...'' she said, trying to keep her mind from thinking of Jackson. Hopefully she didn't seem suspicious to him. He smiled, nodding. ''Who did you have dinner with?'' he asked.

''Oh it's a... a girl you don't know her...'' her voice trailed off as she tried to avoid eye contact with him and went to her room to change from her work clothes and moments later she was dressed only in sweatpants, a t-shirt and socks. She walked out of the room and over to him. "How did it go with Selena?" she asked him.

He shrugged. "It was kind of strange but it went fine. I had to face her sooner or later.''

It was a day later and Selena was in the studio recording a song. She could see the recording producers moving their heads to the beat of the song while she sung. It made her more confident but she was no longer shy in front of them like she was at first. But it was Joe who got her through the shyness. She looked to her side and saw John talking to some people while observing the recording session. It was a song called Sad Serenade and she sang it out loud. When there was a solo she was moving to the music but suddenly stopped and stared when see saw Joe coming over to John smiling. He was clearly there to visit him. They laughed, hugged and greeted each other. John pointed to Selena where she was singing. He nodded at her and she stared at him, half smiling. She continued to sing, feeling Joe's eyes on her, observing while she sung.

It was after the recording and Selena was outside on the balcony, with her elbow on the railing while resting her cheek in her palm. 

''It was a very nice song,'' a familiar voice said. Before she knew, Joe was beside her.

She swallowed. ''Thank you,'' she said and smiled. He was resting both of his hands on the railing. ''I've heard some of your new music. Yours and your brother's. It's really great and the lyrics are very good.''

He laughed. ''Thanks. But trust me, it's not really easy to write music with your brothers. It can be a fight  about what the right words should be but we sort it eventually,'' he explained with a smile on his face.

''I'm glad your doing good.''

''Is it - is the song about you and me?''

She swallowed again, afraid to answer. ''I wrote it a while ago when you and me ... after...''

''...I hurt you. I get it and the lyrics make sense. And it was right, I should have fought harder for you. I was just addicted, the alcohol blinded me. The addiction was...all I'm saying is that your right.''

''I didn't mean it when I said you killed Damon. I was just angry and sad. It wasn't your fault. I'm sorry.''

''I know. And it's okay,'' he said while staring in to her eyes. His right hand that was on the railing moved and before she knew his hand was on hers. He squeezed it, sending shivers down her spine.

Suddenly someone cleared his throat. Joe's hand flew off hers and they turned around. Selena found sam standing there. ''Hey,'' he greeted. ''I came to see you.''

''Oh yes, of course.''

He walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek. ''Hi Joe,'' he greeted.

''Hello Sam,'' he greeted back.

''Your well?''

''I am thanks. And you?''

''Doing good.''

Selena couldn't help but feel awkward and uncomfortable. 

''Well, I'm gonna go. Nice to see you Sam. Goodbye Selena,'' Joe said.

''Goodbye,'' said Sam and Selena simultaneously. Selena watched as Joe turned on his heel and walked away.

Elena was at work. She was dressed in a black jacket, a casual blue dress that reached right above her knees and black strapped heels. Her hair was straight and she was in a meeting. By her side sat Jackson and he was awfully close to her, practically leaning. She had barely spoken to him that morning, only greeted and saw the smirk on his face as she did. Her boss spoke, talking about customers who were investing. She payed attention up until she felt something cold on her knee. She looked down and saw that under the table was Jackson's hand on her knee. Oh my god. He was stroking it and was moving it further up. To her surprise it was ... good. She looked at him, he had a perfect normal expression on his face. Nodding to the boss. He was so handsome. He was wearing his suit, like he always did on work hours. And she could sense the divine smell of his aftershave. She felt her cheeks heaten and she wondered if she looked like a tomato. By that time, thank goodness, the meeting was over and she removed his hand from her knee, rushing out of the meeting room which was hard because of her heels. Why did he do that? She was hiding in the woman's bathroom. She was hugging herself. It was strange having someone else touch her, other then Damon. But he had died and for the rest of her life, she would not feel his touch again. The bathroom door suddenly closed and she turned around. In front of her now stood Jacskon.

''What the hell were you doing?'' she asked. ''And what are you doing here?''

''You liked it.''

''What else could I have done?'' she argued. ''We were in the middle of a meeting. You perv.'' She tried not to smile. ''And you said that you would wait when I decided I wanted to move on. Touching a girl's knee in the middle of a meeting doesn't really count as waiting.''

''I know,'' he said. He stepped towards her. ''It's just that you look so great today. Your a tease.''

''I am not a tease.''

He ignored her protest. ''And I just...I want you so much. I've never wanted a girl so much. Never in my life. You have bewitched me.'' He hesitated before touching her hair, stroking it. She allowed him. His hand moved to her cheek, to her arm and ran it down it before moving it to her waiste. His other hand went to her waiste as well. Elena then did the unexpected and pulled him towards her, kissing him. He kissed her passionately, pushing her towards the wall. He was all hands, stroking over her body and hair. He then lifted her up on the sink still kissing her. His mouth moved to her neck and she closed her eyes. He pulled away and she opened her eyes to look at him. Gasping as she saw his face. Damon's face. 

''No!'' she pushed him away.

''Elena?'' Jackson said. ''What's wrong?''

''I can't do this!'' she cried. ''I'm sorry!'' she yelled before running out of the bathroom. She heard him call her but she ignored him and left the gallery running and crying. She went home, thankfully Joe wasn't there. She slipped into her room, collapsed on the bed and cried. Why did she have to feel so guilty for kissing him? She felt so guilty because it was only a year ago that Damon died. Why did she have to feel so guilty when the kiss felt so right? She thought to herself and continued to cry.

It was after work and Selena was walking home. It was getting late and Sam was probably waiting for her. She then sighed when it started to rain. ''Great,'' she said and continued to walk. It rained even more and soon she would be damp from it.

''Selena?'' said a familiar voice. She turned around, heart heart jumping when she saw Joe looking at her. He ran over to her, he was already wet like her. ''What are you doing here?''

''Walking home,'' she explained, feeling the wetness of the rain on her cheeks. ''What are you doing?''

''The same,'' he told her and a smile spread across his face. For a moment he stared at her. "You must be cold since your so wet,'' Joe said. He then shrugged off his jacket shielding himself and her from the rain, bringing up an unforgotten moment.

''Thank you.''

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