Chapter 14

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Joe's eyes were red from drinking. He was at his house looking for more alcohol. He searched at every inch at his house for alcohol only to find out it was gone. Selena was gone, she had left him and his only source of comfort was of course, alcohol. He growled, no success in finding any. He had no money for it. He growled once more.

''Joe stop it,'' said Damon. ''Your not gonna find any.''

''I.Need.It.'' He gritted his teeth, staring into Damon's face. ''I need it now, badly.'' Damon shook his head. He had witnessed the incident when Selena found him at the bar. He knew what Damon must of thought of him, a coward and a liar and he was. He could admit that to himself but he wanted to forget that, and for that he needed a drink. 

''Well, you don't have anything. If you'd actually work and if you'd actually stayed in rehab...this wouldn't have happened.''

Joe ran his hand over his puffy eyes, rubbing them. He then ran his fingers through his hair. He felt like a grenade. Any second, he would blow up. ''Stay here,'' said Damon touching his shoulder. ''I'll get you some water, and then we're gonna talk.'' He left Joe, walking into the kitchen.

Joe suddenly eyed Damon's wallet which was lying on the table and also his phone. He looked around before picking up Damon's wallet and opening it. He grabbed the money he saw, shoving it into his pocket. He put the wallet where it was and left the house, unaware that Damon had seen him take the money.


Selena's POV

I cried my eyes out when I went to sleep. Loving Joe is difficult, I really thought he was doing well. I was so proud of him and then suddenly everything went so wrong.  More then anything I want to believe that he can get rid of his addiction, I want to believe that he can get better but it's not possible. He loves his alcohol more then he loves me and I was a fool not to notice it. I'm staying in a house that I bought a few months ago. A penthouse. I sighed as I thought of Joe and coldness flooded through my beating heart. As I was sitting on the couch in the living room, leaning against the back of it, Sam came in. He was staying at the guest house. He hadn't once mentioned the incident, maybe he knew I didn't want to talk about it and figured he shouldn't mention it. That was very nice of him. 

'You ok?'' he asked me as he sat down on the chair which faced directly at me.

I shrugged. ''Yeah, I guess.'' No I wasn't all right and I didn't know if I was ever going to be alright again. 

''No your not.''

I said nothing. He read me like an open book. I thought he was supposed to be a bodyguard, not a psychologist. ''So what if I'm not all right?'' I sighed, standing up. ''I just need to move on from him. It doesn't happen in one day.'' I can't believe I was telling him this. Poor Sam to have to deal with my drama. Maybe hiring him was a mistake, John maybe shouldn't have hired him.

''He broke your heart, Selena. You should have broken his, he is a bastard.''

''Sam,'' I said. ''I think I broke his heart by leaving him.''

''Which is what he deserves. Your just gonna end up miserable if he continues his ways. And you know what? If you would break my heart...I would be privileged.''

What did he mean? I shook my head. ''Why? Because I'm the world's most famous singer. I don't think so.''

''No, because your amazing. Your a wonderful girl who deserves someone who's gonna be there, not someone who stays out all night drinking.''

I blushed crimson. It was one of the nicest things someone had ever said to me. ''Thank you, Sam.''

''You deserve the best Selena.'' He leaned towards me, and for some unknown reason I thought he was going to kiss me but instead his lips ended on my right cheek, kissing it quickly. His lips were soft. He leaned away, giving me a small smile before leaving the living room. He was sweet, really sweet and he made me feel good. I then sat back on the couch and somehow I ended up thinking of Joe. I thought of that very night when he put his jacket over our heads when we were in the rain. The night when we first made love. I cried.

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