Chapter 21

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A week later the funeral had taken place, many celebrities had been there as he was a manager and so was Joe who for a change was not drunk. The funeral was out doors and a couple of people stepped out to say something nice about him. He saw Selena and by her side was Sam holding her hand. On the other side he saw Elena who was with her parents, her dad had his arm around her and was comforting her. She cried hysterically. 

''Joe?'' the priest asked and he felt all eyes on him. 


''Would you like to some words?''

''Y-yeah I guess so...'' he said and fixed his tie. He was wearing a black suit and he had combed his hair nicely for the funeral. He stepped in front of everyone. He noticed how Selena looked at him, she was trying not to, probably uncomfortable after their last encounter. ''Well ... I'm Joe. Many of you might recognize me ... I'm a former singer but I disappeared because of uh ... never mind. I'm not going to talk about me, I'm going to talk about Damon. He was my best friend and he was like a brother to me. He was also my manager and he helped me through a lot. The thing is ... money wasn't all he cared about, he really wanted to help make people's dreams come true and he helped mine come true. Without him I wouldn't have those years on stage. He was a wonderful wonderful man, and he deserved the best in the world. And Elena,'' he said and looked at her. She wasn't crying as much as before. ''You were the best for him. He loved you...he called me once on my answering machine ... it was the night after your first date. He was so in love with you that he could have melted through the phone...'' Elena laughed. Joe looked away and said, ''Rest in peace my friend.'' He then walked back to where he was standing.

It was raining outside and the rain fell hard against the window. Joe sat on his couch, dressed casually with a scotch in his hand. He was watching TV, switching channels when one channel caught his eye and he turned up the volume. 

''Damon Salvatore, the manager of the former singer Joe Jonas was buried today. The funeral took place...'' 

He turned off the TV, shaking his head. He took a sip of his drink when suddenly there was a knock on the door. He rose up and strode over to the door, opening it. ''Hi Joe,'' said Elena. He stared at her for a moment, surprised to see her.

''Elena...'' he said. ''Please come in.'' She stepped inside and he closed the door after her.

''I know I should be at home grieving and crying my eyes out but I just couldn't.''

''Don't worry,'' he said and Elena turned around to face him and she forced a smile. She handed something to him and it was wrapped in paper. 

''This is for you, I just really wanted to give it to you.''

He smiled, staring suspiciously at her and ripped the paper off while Elena watched him closely. After unwrapping the paper, he saw what it was and he tried not to cry. It was a picture of him and Damon in a frame months ago before everything went wrong. They were happy and smiling and their arms were around each other's shoulders. It was at some premiere. Elena sniffed as the tears were running down her cheeks and she wiped them away with her hands. She shook her head. ''I miss him so much Joe. I just can't...I just sometimes think that I will never find someone like him.''

''No,'' he said. ''No you won't find someone like him. But you will find someone who will love you and make you happy.''

Elena smiled through the tears. ''Have you heard from Selena ... I mean before today?''

He shook his head. ''What do you think?''

She nodded, knowing what he meant. ''What about you?''

''Yeah we talked. She's been there for me and I know her and Sam now live together.'' Joe sighed, thinking about Selena living with a man other then him made him want to cry. Another tear ran down his cheek. ''Maybe ... maybe you should let her go Joe.''

He shook his head. ''No,'' he whispered. ''I couldn't.''

''Joe...'' she began to say but he interrupted her.

''Want to go to get some dinner?''

Elena shook her head. ''I can't tonight. Raincheck?''

He nodded, smiling. She walked over to the door and opened it. ''Elena?''

''Yes?'' she said and faced him.

He sniffed. ''Th..thank you very much,'' he whispered and lifted up the picture of him and Damon.

She gave him a small smile. ''Your welcome,'' she said, turned around and walked out the door, closing it after her.

It was dark outside and raining. Joe's hair was damp and he was walking to Selena's house. He needed to see her, he needed to talk to her but he wasn't sure he could after their encounter a week ago. He shivered of cold in the rain and he was now infront of her house. He leaned towards a pole, trying to see inside. But there was nothing, he suddenly saw a light moving closer and he could see that it was a car. The car got closer and  he could see inside of it. In the driver's seat was Sam smiling and talking and beside him was Selena laughing. The car passed and he caught a glimpse of her, the strange thing was, she was staring back with a serious look on her face and his heart jumped.  The car drove further away and he could no longer see her. He shivered and walked away in the rain.

He was now in front of another building and he went over to the wall, his back against it and slid down. He was now sitting on the ground, hugging his knees and he was damp from the rain. Someone suddenly ran over and he could feel the person's eyes on him. ''Joe?''

''Hello Nick,'' he cried.

''What are you doing here?''

''I - I didn't know where else to go ... I don't know...''

''Ok come in then,'' he said. Tears ran down's Joe's cheeks and he began to cry. ''Hey,'' said Nick and bent down to him. ''What's wrong?'' Joe continued to cry on and on. ''Hey ...'' said Nick putting his hands on his shoulders. ''Hey....'' he comforted him and Joe cried. Nick wrapped his arms around Joe who cried into his chest.

A day later, Joe woke up in an unfamiliarbed. And a comfortable one, he then remembered last night. How he had seen Selena and how he ended up in front of Nick's building, crying hysterically. ''Coffee?'' a familiar voice said and he soon realized it was Nick who walked in and put the coffee on the nightstand.

''Thank you,'' he said awkwardly. ''You know...I'm sorry for just showing up last night I...''

''Don't worry about it...''

''You don't hate me?'' he asked.

''Why would I hate you?''

''Because I'm your brother and I just kind of lost touch.''

''Yeah and instead alcohol became your brother,'' said Nick and Joe looked down. He sat down on the bed, looking at his brother. ''I heard about your friend, I'm sorry. I thought of calling but...''

''You knew I wouldn't answer,'' he said. ''I'm really sorry Nick,'' he said. ''For everything. You, me and Kevin used to make such  good music together then I went downhill and...I don't want this life anymore Nick. Honest. When Damon died...I ... I just don't want this anymore. I have to do better Nick. For me and most of all ... for Damon.'' 

Nick smiled putting his hand on his brother's shoulder. ''Then you will have my help, because I love you. Mom and dad probably miss you a lot. And so do we. Both me and Kevin.''

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