Chapter 13

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A week later

Selena had called Joe as he was in rehab and he told her he was doing well, Damon was also calling him to make sure of it and told Selena news he had of him since he was his manager. Sam was now her bodyguard and escorted her to big events. However, he didn't go everywhere with her. 

Selena went to see Elena who was working a late shift and fortunately there weren't many people so she would go unrecognized. Elena was taking a break and they were talking by the bar. ''So have you gotten to know this Sam Winchester guy?'' Elena asked.

''No,'' said Selena and shook her head. ''He's just a bodyguard. He's nice but we barely talk. He's doing his job I guess.''

Elena nodded. ''Is he hot?'' she raised an eyebrow.


''What? I'm just asking.''

Selena shook her head and rolled her eyes. ''He's quite handsome but I'm with Joe and I love Joe.''

''I know you do. You say he's doing well, that's good.''

''I'm just glad he went to rehab, it was getting out of hand I'm telling you.''

Elena nodded. ''Well, a toast to Joe. Who cannot drink.'' She laughed and Selena along with her as they took a shot. Selena's eyes then suddenly faced the door as she heard someone come in and the person was saying her name.

''Miss Gomez. What are you doing here so late? It's not safe for you.''

''Someone is protective,'' whispered Elena with a smirk.

''Elena don't.'' Sam came up to them, now standing next to Selena by the bar. ''Sam, I told you. You can call me Selena.'' She was trying to lighten his mood but he was being protective and doing his job. He had a serious look on his face, it was cold as ice. 

''Well, Selena. It's not safe for you to be here, your a world famous singer and anyone could be here.''

''Yeah because Selena definetely has stalkers,'' said Elena, joking.

He stared oddly at Elena. ''I'm sure she actually does.'' He folded his arms. 

''Well then my stalkers must know that I'm in a relationship with a guy named Joe.''

''Who is an alcoholist,'' Elena added.

''Who is in rehab,'' Selena stated.

Sam cleared his throat, probably stating that he was feeling uncomfortable. ''I suggest you go home,'' he said. ''It's late.''

''Fine, I've been here long enough.'' Selena sighed. ''Goodbye Elena.''

''See you later,'' she said.

Selena followed after Sam out and then into the car where she was driven home. As she arrived to her house she noticed that Damon had been calling but decided to call him back later. She was sleepy, she jumped into her bed and thought of Joe. She missed Joe and she hoped that she would dream of him. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.


Selena woke up early, packing a few things. As she had no upcoming events she was going to see Joe at the rehab centre. She told Sam nothing of it, nor Elena or Damon. She jumped into her car and started to drive. When she arrived, she jumped out of the car and went inside to the reception. ''Uhm, hello,'' she said to the receptionist. It was a woman and her eyes became wide as soon as she saw Selena. 

''Oh uhm, hi. Can I help you?'' she supressed a smile.

''I'm in a relationship with Joe Jonas. I was hoping to see him.''

''Oh, hold on a sec,'' she seemed to be looking into the computer. ''Uhm, I'm sorry but he checked himself out last night.'' She smiled rather uncomfortably. ''I'm sorry.''

''What?'' Selena asked, standing still like a statue. It seemed like everything around her was turning. 

''I'm really sorry.''

Selena turned on her heel running out of the rehab centre. She jumped into her car wiping the sweat off her face. She had to make a stop and get something to drink. She ran into the nearest bar, hoping to get a glass of water. ''Hi, uhm can I get a...'' she said to the water. Suddenly she heard a familiar voice somewhere inside. She turned around and walked further. By one of the tables he sat, Joe. He was drinking, he was half drunk. She walked up to him. ''ARE YOU SERIOUS?''

''S..Selena...I can explain.''

''Oh really? Can you? Did you just happen to get the scotch mixed up with soda? Hmm. Were you?''

''Selena, please.''

''No. You don't deserve it. You promised me you would get better. You promised!'' she suddenly realized that must have been why Damon was trying to call her. He found out and was going to tell her. She shook her head. Selena suddenly heard another familiar voice. Behind her now stood Damon and Sam. 

''Selena,'' said Damon.

She answered nothing, Joe stood up. ''Please Selena. I'm sorry, I'll go back ...I'll get better. Please just forgive me,'' he pleaded trying to touch her but she flinched and stepped away from him. 

''No,'' she said. ''You gave up and you know what? So have I. I can't do this anymore. This has become too much for me. I'm done.''

He looked at Sam. ''Who's he? Are you going to move on with him?''

She hissed. ''What is wrong with you? You are so'' She walked over to Sam. ''Take me away," she whispered, "take me home.''

''To your house?''

''No,'' she whispered. ''To my parents.''

He nodded and lead her out of the bar.

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