The Wolf: Part Three-Wolves and Glitter

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Annie sat in the back seat of Paul's less than inconspicuous Dodge Charger. She was never a car girl, but she had to admit, it was nice. Shiny black leather seats and a glossy red body. In the driver seat, Paul looked out the window through a pair of binoculars at a building down the street; it was a part of a collection of ratty warehouses they had managed to track Kody to. Across from Paul, Jared stared at the same building though a View Master; one of those little red children's cameras that show you holographic pictures, usually of animals. A smile crossed Annie's face. She had certainly never met someone quite like him, and she wasn't even taking his apparent immortality into account.

Paul moved the binoculars away from his eyes but still stared down the street. "I found our man," He said.

Jared nodded his agreement. "Me too...he's an elephant," he pulled down the little blue shutter. "now he's a llama." He pulled the shutter again and became very excited. "now he's a duckie!"

Paul sighed and yanked the View Master away from Jared. "Normally I don't mind your shenanigans," he said. "but not on newbie's first day. We need to focus."

Jared crossed his arms over his chest and poked his tongue out. He rammed a finger at the stereo and Paramore's Misery Business started. Jared looked over at Paul, clicking his fingers and bobbing his head from side-to-side, daring him to turn the music off. Paul rolled his eyes and stared through the binoculars again.

Annie leaned forward, bringing her head inches away from Jared's cheek. "So, this guy we're hunting is a werewolf? Like a legit werewolf?"

Jared nodded his head and turned to her, sending the smell of some fancy cologne up her nose. Damn he smelt good.

"That's right. A legit werewolf. Teeth, claws and all."

Annie pursed her lips, a curiosity on the tip of her tongue. "Sooo, are they like they are in the novels?"

Jared kept bobbing his head along to the music and said. "What novels?"

"You know...the paranormal romances...broody wolves with a hierarchy based on the strongest mate etcetera."

Paul turned on her, expression intense. "No." he said firmly. "while wolves like that do have their place in our world, they aren't werewolves. The werewolf we are hunting today is a true werewolf. Fangs, teeth, power and fury. They don't need the moon to change, so they are very dangerous."

Jared blew a raspberry. "It shouldn't be too hard. He's not even a Prime Wolf."

"Don't get cocky," Paul said. "remember what happened last time you let your immortality go to your head against a wolf."

Jared let out a sudden snort of laughter. "Yeah. It took a like a week to find my legs."

Annie flopped back against the seat. What the fuck had she gotten involved in?

Paul suddenly went rigid. "Ok, its go time." He leaned over Jared and fished around in the glove box. When he sat back, he had a large pistol in his hand. He rammed a magazine filled with shiny silver bullets into the handle and cocked the slide. He turned to Annie and fixed her with a hard stare.

"Stay back," he ordered. "Leave this to us. and learn, I guess."

Annie huffed, her confidence and eagerness all but shot down in flames. Paul hopped out the car, slammed the door and started down the street, keeping to the buildings. Jared leaned over the seat and placed a hand on Annie's shoulder.

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