Well Fuck...

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More weeks passed with little update on what was happening in Heaven. The brothers came and went as they pleased, giving no real notice to Annie. Jared had remained quiet about what had happened in the portal during his fight with the Bunyip nor had he elaborated on who Ahk-a name Marcus had cut short-was. Whoever he, she or it was, it scared the brothers. In fact, Jared had become increasingly withdrawn since that day; isolating himself with Quackington and talking less. Whatever these Dissonant Ones were, they scared angels.

Annie was sitting on the couch in Eden's lounge room browsing Australian Netflix when the door burst open and Gabriel, Paul and Michael stormed in; Michael had to twist and turn to fit his entire hulk through the frame. Gabriel pushed the coffee table at Annie's feet away looked up at the ceiling while Paul leaned against the nearby wall.

"Brothers, to me," Gabriel said, tucking a bunch of golden hair behind his ears.

The air distorted around Annie, becoming hazy and unclear. The images before her began to twist and swirl as the impeding arrivals twisted time and space to travel here instantly. Marcus was the first to arrive; folding into the room and landing in a crouch with a joint in his mouth. He smiled at Annie, took a draw and flopped down on the couch next to her, passing it over. Lucifer and Lilith were simply there, no words or sound; as if they had been there the whole time.

Next came Raguel. He simply walked into existence, adjusting his tie as he did. He ran a hand through his hair and leaned against the wall. Sariel and Ramiel came next. They crashed into the coffee table and continued to wrestle until Michael scooped them both up and slapped them. Gabriel gave Annie a stern look.

"Can you fetch Raphael please, my dear?"

Annie took a draw of the joint and passed it back to Marcus. She got to her feet and headed upstairs to the room she and Jared were using. She pushed the door open and was greeted by an excited quacking. Quackington flapped past her and waddled down the hall, honking happily to himself. Jared sat on the bed, legs crossed, staring at the wall. It had been this way on and off for the last few weeks. He was responsive but...distant.

Annie flopped on the bed behind him, stretching out and wrapping her legs around his waist. He didn't say anything but let her pull him down onto her. He was laying with his back on her and she placed a kiss on his head.

"How are you feeling?" She inquired, running a hand through his long hair.

He muttered a response and shifted onto his side, resting his head on her stomach. He seemed almost venerable like this and Annie felt a sudden wave of panic run through her. She was always so distracted by the term Arch-Angel that she forgot that didn't mean unkillable. Something very powerful and dangerous had attacked him, something that was capable of ending him for good.

She pulled him up into her arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. She needed to be close to him right now and she was sure he needed the same from her. They lay like this for some time, enjoying each other's embrace until a knock on the door broke their reverie. Marcus poked his head around the corner.

"Sorry to disturb," He whispered. "But we need you two down here. We have more guests."

Annie's eyes narrowed in confusion. "Guests? Marcus, what is happening?"

Marcus' expression changed. Became heavy and burdened. "We are about to make plans for our assault on Heaven."

Annie's body went cold; her skin broke out in goose bumps. Panic washed over her again at the thought of Jared being in very real danger. Jared felt the change and sat up, placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

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