The Brother: part three-Well, that was pretty stupid

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Jared crashed into the man; they soared through the nearby wall, leaving a gaping hole in the concrete. The sounds of metal hitting solid ground echoed through the haze of dust and debris. The others watched on in stunned silence. They couldn't believe what was happening. They watched as Jared came crashing through another section of the wall; hitting the ground and rolling. His scythe slid away. Jared lifted himself onto all fours, the large wings on his back flapping weakly. A large glob of blood drooled out of his mouth.

The man stepped casually through the broken wall, brushing dust from his shoulder. He lit a cigarette and wandered over to Jared. He crouched next to him and brushed some dust off him.

"That was pretty stupid," He said. "did I hit a soft spot with the human?"

Jared moved with lightning speed. He pushed himself up, swinging a fist at the man; who simply cocked his head aside casually. Jared unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks but couldn't land a single one; the man simply ducked, weaved, somersaulted and corkscrewed out of harm's way. Annie had never seen someone flip and dodge with such speed and agility

Jared stretched out his arm and his scythe rattled on the ground, vibrating for a second before flying towards his hand. He caught it and swung it in a horizontal arc. The man matrixed his way to safety, leaning back with ease. The blade missed him completely and he jumped forward. He thrust a fist into Jared's gut, who keeled over, spitting up another wad of blood.

Paul drew his pistol and aimed it at the man. "Step away from him," He said, his voice shaking like a tree in a gale.

The man laughed and held his hand out. Red smoke drifted around his palm, shaping itself slowly, dramatically. It formed a spear, roman in style, with a golden band around the centre of blade. A malicious grin crossed his face. Before anyone could react, the man thrust the spear down. I sliced through Jared's back with ease, smashing out through his stomach. Jared let out a cry of anguish, blood pooling around him.

Paul cried out and pulled the trigger as he raced forwards. Tom conjured a spear as wings burst from his back and charged towards the man. Marcus conjured two swords and, wings exploding from his back, raced into battle. Quinn charged towards Jared as his brothers and Paul attacked relentlessly.

Annie fell to her knees as she watched Jared crawl towards Quinn. His majestic wings slumped across the bloody ground. Horror and anguish coursed through her in cold waves. Her heart felt like it was being crushed in a vice. She watched as Quinn reached him and scooped him up with ease. Blood poured down his thick arms as he carried him away from the fray.

He reached Annie and lowered Jared to the ground. Annie crawled over and took his head into her lap. "Quinn! You have to save him, please!" She screamed, tears flowing from her eyes like a flood.

Quinn ripped Jared's shirt open to inspect the wound. It was neat, clean, but black around the edges. Confusion marred Quinn's face. "What the...?"

He looked over at the fight. Tom, Marcus and Paul all attacked the man aggressively; but none could land a hit. He was too fast, too acrobatic for them. He tried to inspect the spear but the man twirled too much for him to get a good look. He had a powerful fear regarding the man's weapon. Eventually, the man stopped leaping about long enough for him to get a good look. His heart fell into his stomach.

"Paul, Uriel, Gabriel!" He bellowed. "get away from him, NOW!"

The men jumped backwards, dashing over to Quinn, without question. They formed a protective semi-circle in front of them.

Tom looked down at him. "What is it? Is he going to be okay?"

Quinn let out a shaky breath. "He has been stabbed by the Spear of Longinus," He replied.

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