Interlude: Senor Quackington and the douche bag ex

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Annie sat on her tiny couch, sipping at a can of Jack Daniels and watching the movie Gabriel. It had been two weeks since the wolf incident and there hadn't been another hunt since. Paul told her that it was taking them a lot longer to track the Incubus than he'd like. He was worried that it was catching on to their tracking and was going to go into hiding. Jared didn't care either way.

She and Jared had been spending a bit of time together in recent days. He had taken her out to a club two nights ago and she'd watched him dance with two men and one girl; that last one had annoyed her more than she would've liked. They had only known each other for two weeks but it wasn't like she hadn't dropped a few hints that she would like to get to know him better one-on-one. She knew she had no right to be jealous, but it didn't stop her from feeling invisible.

She sipped her drink and blew out a discontented breath. She was so damn bored. At least when she worked at the club she had something to do. As she lifted the can to take another sip, her bedroom door swung open and a figure dressed in what appeared to be a onesie fell into the room, followed by a duck; which ran into the kitchen quacking. Annie dropped her drink, spilling what remained over her pleated, red plaid skirt.

"Oh, shit." She hissed. She kicked the can away, picked up the lamp next to the couch and stomped over to the figure. She slammed a thick boot into their back, pinning them to the floor. "You picked the wrong fucking house, asshole."

The figure groaned and, despite her boot digging into their spine, managed to roll over. It was Jared. Annie sighed and glared at him, which was a complete hypocrisy to the somersaults her heart was doing. He smiled up at her, flashing those brilliant teeth.

"I have a duck," He said as he climbed to his feet.

Annie placed the lamp back in its place and turned to him, crossing her arms sternly across her chest. As happy as she was to see him, there needed to be boundaries.

"Jared, you can't just break into my house whenever you feel like." She said.

Jared looked over at her, confused. "I didn't break anything. The window in the bathroom was open." A sudden thought seemed to occur to him. "I did break your toilet roll holder."

Before Annie could scold him, the duck flapped onto the bench. It jerked its head this way and that then quacked loudly. Jared crouched low and crawled towards it. He was a few feet away and about to pounce when the duck flew off; disappearing into Annie's room.

Annie huffed. "Jared, what are you doing? Why do you have a duck and why are you wearing...a ninja turtle onesie."

Jared looked down at his onesie then back up to her and smiled. "I'm a ninja. I went to the zoo and broke out one of their ducks."

Annie's eyes went wide, and she walked over to him, placed a hand on his shoulder and said. "The zoo doesn't have ducks."

Jared seemed to consider this. "Then what did I break in to?"

There was a knock on the door. Annie sighed. "Is that Paul?"

Jared shrugged and skipped into the room. The sound of flapping wings and quacks followed. Annie huffed a laugh and went to the door. She opened it, expecting it to be Paul. She opened it wide and waved an arm theatrically towards the lounge room.

"Come in and join the party," She said.

"Babe?" A deep voice said.

That wasn't Paul's voice. Even if it was, he shouldn't be using it to call her babe. She looked up to find a face she really didn't want to see. It belonged to her ex-boyfriend. A seedy biker named Dallas.

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