Incubus: Part one- The world's shittest plan

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Annie stood in the kitchen, having already showered and dressed, and watched Jared as she stirred her coffee. He lay sprawled on the couch, face smooshed into the pillow; nose and lips pulled up, drool trickling out his open mouth. He looked completely adorkable. They had spent the night watching movies. They had started with Gabriel, which Jared called shenanigans on the entire time. They finished that, smashed down some more Jack Daniels then watched District 13. Annie had fallen asleep about halfway through but had woken up in her bed. Jared was snoring his head off when she came out.

She had made her coffee triple strength; she had a bit of a headache and they were supposed to be hunting an Incubus today. She still had no idea what it was and decided that google would be the best resource. She scooped her phone up off the counter and plopped down in a chair at the table. She put her password in-one, two, three, fuck you, in case you were wondering- and typed Incubus into the search bar. Her phone took a few seconds to load, fucking slow ass piece of shit, but when it did, it gave her an ad selling tickets to the band and the dictionary definition.

A male demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women. Well, that is fucking creepy. She decided she would call this demon Brock, whether that was its name or not. A shiver ran down her spine and a sudden fear of attack invaded her mind. She jerked her head around to look for danger. There was nothing behind her, although Jared was starting to toss in his sleep. He appeared to be having a nightmare. Annie pushed her chair out and went over to him.

His eyes were scrunched up, like he was in pain, and his bottom lip was quivering. He looked surprisingly venerable and a warm part of her wanted to hold him. She placed a hand gently on his shoulder and shook him. He didn't respond so she shook him harder.

He bolted upright, letting out a gasp and screaming. "Gabriel!"

Annie couldn't help but giggle. "Did the movie give you nightmares?" She teased.

He looked over at her, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead and gave a wonky smile. "Yeah, stupid bloody movie. I told you, shenanigans."

Annie smiled and got to her feet. 'Coffee?"

Jared took a deep breath. "I'd love me some covfefe."

He swung his legs off the couch and stretched. Several of his joints cracked and clicked and he let out a satisfied groan. He ran a hand through his matted hair and looked over at Annie. She knew what his expression meant.

"There's towels in the bathroom cupboard and Paul is already on his way with a change of clothes."

Jared smiled and stood, wobbling a bit then dragged his feet to the bedroom door. Annie was surprised to discover that full throttle wasn't his only mode-that even in the mornings, he too was a zombie.

"How do you like your coffee?" She yelled.

"Black, no sugar, three teaspoons."


Annie had just started preparing Jared's heart attack when there was a knock on the door. Annie guessed it to be Paul; but was wary after last night.

"Who is it?"


"It's open."

Paul pushed the door open and wandered in. He was wearing a maroon button up shirt, black jeans and leather Oxfords. Strapped to his jeans was a black holster, which held his big pistol. He had a plastic bag with clothes in one hand and a thick, brown folder in his other. He chucked the clothes on the couch and placed the folder on the table. He flipped it open and handed Annie a thick pile of paper from it.

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