Feral Vampires: Part one-Another shitty plan

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Paul, Annie, Jared and Marcus all sat in and around Paul's car, four blocks away from the Vampire nest. It was 1am and they were ready to go. Paul was busy checking his pistol magazines, making sure everything was in order. Jared, Marcus and Annie all sat out the hood, chatting among themselves; no joints tonight, they needed to be on guard. They had spent the afternoon going over their plan.

Ferals hated loud noises. Their sensitive hearing made certain frequencies and sounds somewhat painful. The plan was to blast music at them from different levels of the building, to herd them into a single area. Paul and Marcus' reconnaissance had estimated about twenty Ferals in the nest. If they could get them all into one area, they could barricade them and set the place on fire.

Annie pulled her hoodie around herself, a chill running down her spine. She turned to Jared.

"What's the difference between feral Vampires and...other ones?" She asked.

"Ferals are Vampires that didn't feed enough. Vampires that don't keep up with feeding slowly deteriorate into what we call Ferals. They aren't as dangerous as regular Vampires, not even close, but they are still not to be taken lightly. They still have a lot of strength, agility and some of the powers of a regular Vampire. The biggest difference is a lack of rational thought. They are, in every way, mindless killing machines."

Another chill crept down Annie's spine, this time nothing to do with the weather. "What are normal Vampires like?"

Marcus scoffed and shook his head. "Don't ask. They are nearly as old as we are and just as powerful. Thankfully, Prime Werewolves have hunted the fuck outta them; they are pretty rare. I haven't seen one since...since the fall of the Persian empire. There is still a decent amount out there, but they have become very good at hiding and try to avoid contact."

Annie took a moment to process all of this information. What kind of world was she living in? She had seen so much in the last few months that defied everything she thought she knew. She had seen Jared take a barrage of bullets, kill a werewolf and rip an Incubus' head off with his bare hands and yet, here he and his brother were, talking about true Vampires like they were scared of them. They must be quite the beast.

"Have you fought one before?"

Jared and Marcus nodded at the same time. Marcus seemed to be remembering the event. "It took myself, Jared, Paul and Ryan to get it wounded enough for Quinn to finish it off," He shuddered. "the thing was strong."

"How rare are they?"

Jared placed a hand on her shoulder. "They are as rare as common sense. Don't worry, you'll be fine."

Annie laughed. "Jesus, I have nothing to worry about then."

Paul stepped out of the door carrying a box. He placed the box on the hood and reached inside. He pulled out several speakers and handed one to each of them. They pulled out their phones and connected to them using Bluetooth.

"This has got to be the strangest method of hunting I've ever seen," Annie said as she scrolled through her playlist.

Jared let out a single laugh. "Wait until you hunt a Centaur," he said, grinning widely.

Paul huffed and hung his head. "Can we not bring that up, please?"

Annie's interest suddenly piqued; there was an embarrassing story here. "No, no. Do tell."

"Well, we were hired to kill a Centaur back in..." He turned to Marcus. "when was it?"

Marcus looked up at the sky, thinking hard. "Oh fuck. Ahhh. It was 1357 I think. Some when around then."

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