Feral Vampires: Part two-head stomps and pipe romps

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Annie managed to roll out of the way, barely avoiding the Ferals chomping jaws. She fell into a front roll and spun as she landed. She raised the pistol and pulled the trigger twice. The barrel exploded to life, sending two silver bullets at the monster. The first one missed but the second hit it in the shoulder. The Feral fell backwards, screeching as the silver burned its skin.

Annie got to her feet with a choice to make. The door to the building was near-she reckoned she could make it and get Jared's attention before the Feral made it closer. On the other hand, she didn't feel like running to them for help. She wanted to prove that she could handle herself and what better way than bringing them this fuckers head? The Feral seemed to have composed itself and let out a roar, slamming its fists into the roof. Annie gave it the finger and charged.

She fired her pistol as she raced towards the vampire. She was confident that she would be able to blow this thing away. Her confidence washed away like a flood when the Feral burst into a cloud of mist; the bullets passed right through. Annie stopped her charge, slowing to a walk, then stopped completely. Well fuck...

The Feral reformed itself, looking around wildly. It looked like a dog, pointing its foot at something of interest. It seemed to be sniffing the air. Annie finally got a proper look at it. Its thin, wrinkly skin seemed to hang off its skeleton like an oversized sheet. Its nails were medium-length claws, covered in what looked like mold. Its ears were pointed at the tips and its nose was a bulbous dorsal fin in the middle of its pointed face. The thing looked like living rot.

Annie took its distraction in hand and fired a few more shots at it. The first shot startled it-the thing bounced like frightened cat-the next two shots slammed into its hip and thigh. It fell to the ground, flopping around; it reminded Annie of a fish out of water. It flipped back onto its feet and scurried towards her with amazing speed. It slammed its shoulder into her chest, sending her flying into the small concrete wall behind her. She fell next to the entrance way, the air bursting from her lungs in one painful blast. She coughed up a small spatter of blood, groaning.

The Feral crawled over to her and slammed a fist into her back. Annie cried out as pain flashed through her. She rolled over, thrusting a boot at the things knee. She found her mark and the frailness of its frame resulted in the joint snapping backwards with a sickening crack. The vampire let out a howl of pain and fell backwards, crawling towards the door way.

Annie struggled to her feet, spitting out another glob of blood. She stalked over to the Feral and aimed the gun at its head. It seemed to sense the danger and turned into mist. It floated behind her, reforming itself, and slashed its claws down her back. Annie screamed in agony, falling to her knees as the talons tore her skin apart. She scrambled away, firing blindly backwards as she did.

The Feral hobbled towards her. She crawled backwards, trying to get a good aim. She fired two shots. One grazed its ribcage, snipping off a chunk of flesh. The second one smashed into its stomach. The Feral stumbled backwards, clutching at the wound. It howled and screeched. It turned into mist and rushed towards her. Annie thrust her foot at the cloud out of reflex. A hand grabbed the foot and a burning pain followed.

The pain rushed down her leg and she looked up to find the Feral biting her calf. A sucking sound reached her ears and she realized with horror that the Feral was drinking her blood. She watched in shock as the colour began to return to its skin and the wounds began to heal. Its knee snapped back into place. The bullet holes closed over. Annie's vision began to blur. She knew she was losing too much blood and she had to act fast. It was then that she remembered the plan.

She fired another shot at the Feral. It struck the thing in the face and it let go of her leg. It roared and scrambled away. Annie crawled over to the speaker, which she had dropped during the fight. She attached it to her belt, pulled out her phone and pressed play.

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